Checking pulse........OK....Thank God...I thought I had Died and gone to Heaven!!! NICE VID'S PAUL!!! I LOVE THE CRACKLE OF THESE CARS and the Header flames from Bucky's Car was flat out TIGHT!!!!
TIRE SHAKE.........? Too many hit's of NITRO????? He drives a Fuel Altered and Nostalgia Funny car, (which makes him a bit LOCO EN LA CABASA,) and I have not met the man yet, but to call him blurry is just not right Karl!!!
Kman, I don't know what is happening to the camera. It's been doing that more and more lately.
Angers me.
I tried hitting it a few times to knock some sense into it, but no dice.
The little "get smart hallway security" style doors that open and close over the lens are starting to hang up too.
You can hear the zoom button in the vids every time I adjust it. Clack clack clack.
Tim, you would have loved the beach city corvette. That sucker has the most wickedest cackle.
yeah paul, beach city looked and sounded right and I can say that having seen that car run 38 years ago. Best thing about N/FC is just that and on a hi 5 to mid 6 run, the mind has time to take in everything that is happening while watching a pass.
again thanks for the pictures and videos from the Patch. Like Austin said to me at Richmond, 'yeah, that was back when it was Fun.'
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