I can't find a website or any information pertaining to Justin's business. Does anyone have a link ?
I would think if you are GOingSOCIAL , that one would be able to simply click on any of the sites adorning the wrap, and see what is funding the ride, and see what it is they are trying to sell.I guess I am showing my age here, but what benefit would a web site be to flipping houses?
I would think if you are GOingSOCIAL , that one would be able to simply click on any of the sites adorning the wrap, and see what is funding the ride, and see what it is they are trying to sell.
Maybe I'm the old one ...
Second generation driver, 24-year-old Justin Ashley, will advance in the next steps of his career behind the wheel of a Top Fuel dragster with Dustin Davis and the Davis Motorsports team by his side. Shifting gears to Top Fuel came as more of a surprise to Ashley than it did to most avid fans of...www.competitionplus.com
Started during the Clinton years. Banks were required to make those loans. They were called NINJA loans "No Incoime No Job Applicants."So back then (and those times don't exist anymore) there was no "income verification" .... the government needed the economy to expand and housing starts are a critical part of the economy (even greatly impacting the oil and gas economy that I make my living in). Mortgage originators loaned money that was repackaged as FHA/VA qualifying and sold to larger investor groups (largely you, me, the Chinese, and our retirement plans). They provided a decent return and were 100% backed (to the investors) by the US government. The fine print was pretty fine and the government kept lowering the standards to keep the economy going. Yes, I'm guessing Mike did something wrong, but (while I've not researched this at all) I'm gonna bet the regulators intentionally turned a blind eye until the bottom fell out. I'm not saying he was driving 66 in a 65, but I bet he wasn't over 85.....
Mortgage originators are a commodity business, somebody who wants to buy (or sell) a house is not very likely to care or know much at all about who they are doing business with .... they want a house.
As my lawyer has to tell me all the time our US legal process is not about getting justice .... it about seeing how much justice you can get, and don't expect 100% justice.
Fruit falls when it’s rotten, usually....So, you are saying
The fruit does not fall far from the tree.
So, you are saying
The fruit does not fall far from the tree.
It's not just that, Justin's A/FD's sponsor is 1800Cashout. If you follow the money on the NY Secretary of State website the company and related entities show Mike's wife as the principal. So even after all he's been through, he's still at it, same field.So lets say Justin is 100% legit.
What about the great advantage he had due to all the illegal funds.
You know Dad and Grandpa helped him along the way
how does that affect everything he accomplished
Jim, that is not my post.Ray Ghio Jr.:
Your post was the following, It's not just that, Justin's A/FD's sponsor is 1800Cashout. If you follow the money on the NY Secretary of State website the company and related entities show Mike's wife as the principal. So even after all he's been through, he's still at it, same field.
Maybe he still has not learned his lesson or maybe he just does not care as long as he is making millions!
Jim Hill
Thanks Roger