Buster Couch would have just taken control and made sure it was shut off and not done a half ass job! I don't care really, that last pass of the night in the last session the feeling in the stands was so electric, I haven't really experienced something like it, and I'm so gutted I accidently recorded over it. Everyone around me including myself (not knowing the full extent of what was going on) Were going "LET IT RUN" Why? Because if the car hadn't left the stuff on the track, resulting in the car smoking the hides, it would have been the quickest pass in the history of the sport IMO. And that for me would have been amazing to see, look at Doug he ran a great .45! I'm starting to sound like a Schumacher fan a lot lately, and I like Doug a lot. But I love Alan Johnson, when you don't have someone around you can really get behind anymore, the next option is Alan! So to the above I don't think he should have been kicked out of the race, that's total BS and one sided attitudes! But had he ran a great number, it should have been thrown out. That's my take! At the end of the day and in Vegas, Tony and Alan took care of the job. It hurt to see Doug come so close, but that's racing. It's been and done! Move on.