Looks like he drifted left, corrected right and over she went. He jumped right out; I think he's fine.

Good questionso what happens to the rest of the PS round ? Are they going to run them at the next race ?
I haven't watched the entire race yet - were the Pro Stocks all getting squirrelly because of the cold track in R1? Did they ever resume PS racing?
No announcement yet for PS and PSB. Sportsman resumes tomorrow.so what happens to the rest of the PS round ? Are they going to run them at the next race ?
Generally speaking, not that much. I don't know any actual numbers for that, though. We have the AOA set pretty low to keep drag at a minimum. However, he car is so stable at speed that the spill plates are pretty much all that are needed to keep the car pointed straight (most of the time).I ask this while admitting you folks have forgotten more about drag racing than I’ll ever know. Alan was talking about downforce today and downforce was mentioned above this post as well. How much downforce does a Top Dragster wing make? I was glad to see Pro Mod get sent back to the pits and I was anxious/worried when it was apparent they were going to send TD down the track. Hope the guy is ok because that was a really hard hit.
So as someone who poorly understands the Pro Stock rule set, is there any technical reason the NHRA can not mandate more downforce for Pro Stock and Pro Mod? I know they like to call out the NHRA for track prep but surely more downforce could also solve the problem. Yes there would be some hundredths lost, but is that such a big deal - especially as people worry about the top speeds of the heavy Pro Mods regardless?
Big wings might even make them look a bit cooler to spectators again.
I haven't seen those complaints for this race. Everybody I know was blaming it on a cold track and a stiff head/cross wind, neither of which is in anybody's control. PS and PM would need nitro-level downforce or a shortened racetrack (1/8 mile) to deal with the day's conditions, and those aren't going to happen. Even with rule amendments to try and stabilize them, these circumstances were unfavorable for high-HP, short wheelbase cars (except for FC, but they're different).Everytime there is an issue like what happened in STL, the racers complain about 2 things, 1) track prep and 2) lack of downforce. I believe NHRA has addressed the track prep issue and I applaud them for the decision to stop running Pro Stock, but I would like to see them mandate a minimum/maximum rear spoiler height...or wicker bill. I'm not sure of the cost to teams, but giving the racer the ability to control the downforce will be helpful.
We dont need more 1000 ft crap, and 1/8 mile isnt even worth watching for a whole 2 or 3 seconds. Maybe they could have run ps 1000 ft for just that race???Seems like if they just made all PRO classes run 1000 feet track prep as well as weather conditions would be less of an issue and it would make it uniform and easier. Most likely would get more cars that run 1/8th mile to come over to the NHRA events.