Mike, the car was originally built in 1961, as a 4 engined dragster, because of the NHRA nitro ban. Ran 4 Buicks on gas. That is the car you saw at San Gabe. It ran that way until Ivo converted it to a funny car. BTW, there was another 4 engined car, Galpin Ford sponsored it. 4 Ford engines w/ Mustang body. I believe Ivo's car match raced the Ford car several times. People loved them cuz of all the smoke from 4 slicks.
In 1961, famed actor and drag racing legend "TV" Tommy Ivo rolled out a creation that would become one of, if not the greatest exhibition vehicle of all time. With four Buick V8 engines strapped to the framerails, Ivo's all-wheel drive dragster was a true marvel.
The 2nd link has a few photos of the Ford car.