Nitro Member
I'm old enough to remember when the nitro cars (both t/f & f/c )
were going 275, 250, 200, and we all loved it!
It's all about The Show!
The smell.
The noise.
The competition.
And... Lots & Lots of Cars participating...
thats what gets folks excited and wanting more!!
Again this is just my 2cents! Larry
I wish I had been alive to see some of the runs from the 50's and 60's. What an awesome time in drag racing that must have been.
People were excited to see the big numbers then. You can't tell me when the top speed someone had run was 215 when you saw a 218 or 220 you weren't in awe or excited that you were there to witness it. Back then, they had never seen a 337 mph pass and never even dreamed the cars could/would go that kind of speed. You can't tell me you don't want to see someone post a 340 mph pass.
I understand everyone is still grieving over Eric, myself included, but slowing the cars down is not the answer. If you want to pack the stands, you will need the big numbers. Just adding my 2 cents to yours. If we keep this up we might have enought to start a fuel team!