NONE of these things will ever happen without enormous outside pressure, or all of those "we have always done it this way" old-timers die off and are not replaced by people of similar thinking, which is very unlikely. In other words, unless someone waves a magic wand and makes me King ... don't hold your breath.
The majority of those things will never happen, although many should. For one simple reason.
Apply drag racing to what was just posted. Especially with the current fuel crisis.
As much as everyone around here complains out "tree huggers" and "whacko environmentalists" and racing, why should any people or organizations have anything to say about what people do with the animals they own?
You dont want those people messing with auto racing, and horse people don't want others messing with their livelihoods. I know many people that would lose their homes, cars, land etc if it weren't for horse racing as we know it today. Not to mention the amounts wagered each year.
No one here would like things one bit if the proposal for racing is, no more 500 milers, 250 max, no more nitromethane, use alky, no more high octane racing fuel, use pump gas, and on, and on, and on.
It isn't considered cruel, they are bred for one thing and one thing only, (well two if they are winners) and lots of money is invested and bet on them.
I am not trying to argue, be callous or demean anyone, but that is the way I feel. And yes, I have spent a few days around horse barns.