I've been helping work on The Invader NFC for the past year and a half. We twice to race at least twice a year. You folks who have been around a while know The Invader.
The name may be old but the parts are still top-notch.
Anyway, this past September, we went to the Nitro Nationals at Tulsa and hoped to run a good number. We had just freshened the engine and had a brand new clutch in the car.
On our very first pass, the car was on a decent run as we had the clutch fairly soft. But, at about the 800 foot mark, the #2 intake valve broke, which caused a heck of a boomer. Our driver got the car stopped quickly and except for some slight singe marks on his firesuit, he was just fine. The motor was trashed.
The body flew at least 75 feet into the air in several big pieces. When everything landed, it was flat as a pancake. I just knew we were done. But, the owner, Glenn Solano said it could be repaired.
Having never worked around fiberglass much before, I had my doubts. But, after a few nights, I think we will race again sooner, rather than later.
This is what she looked like in her prime.

The name may be old but the parts are still top-notch.
Anyway, this past September, we went to the Nitro Nationals at Tulsa and hoped to run a good number. We had just freshened the engine and had a brand new clutch in the car.
On our very first pass, the car was on a decent run as we had the clutch fairly soft. But, at about the 800 foot mark, the #2 intake valve broke, which caused a heck of a boomer. Our driver got the car stopped quickly and except for some slight singe marks on his firesuit, he was just fine. The motor was trashed.
The body flew at least 75 feet into the air in several big pieces. When everything landed, it was flat as a pancake. I just knew we were done. But, the owner, Glenn Solano said it could be repaired.
Having never worked around fiberglass much before, I had my doubts. But, after a few nights, I think we will race again sooner, rather than later.
This is what she looked like in her prime.

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