How 'bout some love for ESPN2 (1 Viewer)

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Jul 10, 2006
West Haven, CT
I TIVOd the whole weekend.
I thought (save for the extra half-hour qualifying that cut-off), it was the best broadcast EVER.
Not just 'cause the Chamber of Commerce blue sky weather, but the pace and the extra feature interviews (many of which appeared live<during the event> were great and timely.
They, obviously, had extra staff and extra cameras. They gave Indy the attention it deserved!

(Yes,I'm from CT but no connection to ESPN):)
I TIVOd the whole weekend.
I thought (save for the extra half-hour qualifying that cut-off), it was the best broadcast EVER.
Not just 'cause the Chamber of Commerce blue sky weather, but the pace and the extra feature interviews (many of which appeared live<during the event> were great and timely.
They, obviously, had extra staff and extra cameras. They gave Indy the attention it deserved!

(Yes,I'm from CT but no connection to ESPN):)

I have to agree, the 2 shows were great especialy the interviews of past and present "icons" of the sport. One thingI question is the camera angle-down low and going from camera to camera on the runs. I have'nt seen these used as much as they did yesterday. All the annoucers did a fine job-extra star to Mike Dunn, the best expert ever on Drag racing, Gary Geroud - very good insightfull questions.
Would have liked to see more slow motion. Speaking of slow motion did anyone else catch the slow motion effect of the Snake and Nicoll's race from ABC? The camera at the finish line caught the clylinders firing one by one at the finish line, wow that was 37 years ago. Some people complain of Paul Page, be glad we don't have Kieth Jackson -a graet play by play sports annoucer in his day, doing our broadcasts today.
......Some people complain of Paul Page, be glad we don't have Kieth Jackson -a graet play by play sports annoucer in his day, doing our broadcasts today.
have you caught the threesome doing NASCAR lately??
brent musberger, some nascar guy and some i think former basketball player:eek: (don't know names)
now to me that's a terrible crew to call a stock car race!!
thank goodness we have the crew we do.
very nice coverage, ESPN. but i'm still unimpressed with the lack of coverage during regular ESPN programming. was the big go even mentioned on sportscenter?

i also want to say that the entire crew, including paul page, did an excellent job
The Big Go was promoted during the NASCAR race on Sunday. The coverage was superb all weekend. I really loved the final round coverage from 1967 that they aired during the finals, that was cool.

Excellent job ESPN2!
AWESOME COVERAGE! We had a storm blow through Saturday night. Our Digital Cable went out 10 minutes into Qualifying. :( But, I think between NHRA Race Day, Sunday's 4 1/2 hrs. and both of the Eliminations shows on Monday......I still got a TON of viewing pleasure.

<edited for blonde moment :) >
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It was pretty good for the most part. They`ve played that interview with Dixon and Dixon Sr. to death and I know that interviews at least two years old. Seeing and hearing about Aces 6 wins and Capps` 0 wins was run into the ground this weekend too. Kernan has been a nice addition to the show.
I was only able to catch a bit Sun.--but all of Monday. It seemed a bit dragged out if you ask me. Maybe it was just too much duplicating on Monday of things they had earlier. (Even from the afternoon to nite shows.)
I'm sure I saw "Big" shaving off his beard at least 3 times-and interview with the Snake showing Jim Nichols clutch explosion a few times. I'm sure they have to package things a certian way, but the nite show monday had all the highlights-plus the interviews from the previous few days.
I . Maybe it was just too much duplicating on Monday of things they had earlier. (Even from the afternoon to nite shows.)

I hear 'ya. But, as a vehicle to entrap new viewers (and we need 'em) we couldn't do much better.

Good Lord - did anyone notice Ashley Forces wiggle (don't go there<G>) down track in the second round -scary- that copter cam was fabulous.

As someone mentioned above. the down track cameras that 'kinda followed the cars was also good.

The bad news, I doubt id we can expect such a blanket of coverage 'til next Indy. BUT, it does give you a taste of what might be ppossible.

BTW: Maybe it's just talk but, Paul Page sounds like he's working at this deal. He seems to have gotten out of the booth and chatted up some of the drivers. Clearly he and Mike are finding a comfort level.
brent musberger, some nascar guy and some i think former basketball player:eek: (don't know names)

Musberger is just downright horrible when calling NASCAR racing, the basketball player is Brad Dougherty and he is very knowledgeable about racing. He's been around it for many years. Tim Brewer (the some NASCAR guy) is an old-school crew chief who is now back in the booth pointing out the technical aspects of the racecar...could be worse ;)

I have to give mad props to the the Deuce for NHRA coverage this past weekend. It was much better than in previous weeks....:)
The coverage was good.....but if I see that commercial of the lady lifting the weights and that stupid song one more time, I'm gonna scream..........if only I could remember what it was for......;)
The coverage was good.....but if I see that commercial of the lady lifting the weights and that stupid song one more time, I'm gonna scream..........if only I could remember what it was for......;)

With all the coverage we kiddo was going around the house humming that damned tune all weekend! He got more than a couple of "That's enough, kid!" looks shot his way. ;)
With all the coverage we kiddo was going around the house humming that damned tune all weekend! He got more than a couple of "That's enough, kid!" looks shot his way. ;)

That's understandable.......they played it every other commercial!!!
Ya'll gonna hate me for this, but watched in the kid's room.... got all the run data off the audiocast, so played the TV coverage on Mute....

unless I saw John K talking to someone... and if GG asks one more time, how do you feel about (add bad thing here)?... well, how the bleep do you think they feel?????

Overall, Great Pictures
Kudos to John Kernan--insightful interviews, and it was clear that he truly was a knowledgeable commentator and a true fan. Heck he even took time to stop in on the mater and ask us what we wanted to see. Well done, John! And Karl, I agree with you, I like GG, but his how do you feel about (bad thing) really bothers me and really doesn't promote good interviews.
I missed Saturday completely ... DVR didn't get any of it, sigh and don't ask why I recorded it, I'm still pissed.

But, Sunday and Monday were awesome. To get 4 1/2 hours of qualifying coverage was mmmm ... I recorded the morning segment because I went into the office (another story for another time) and when I got home I had about 2 hours until the evening show started. So, I basically fast forwarded through all the interviews. So, I think I watched about 90 minutes of that coverage. I ran to the grocery store at 3:30 PST and got back an hour later just in time to see the start of the evening coverage. That was a good 2 1/2 hours.

I was happy Rieff asked about Hot Rod's knee and props to Fuller for giving a shout out to Dave Tomchek (sp?) at UNLV .. my husband is a UNLV alum. :D
I've seen people blow out their knees and go through the healing process so it's interesting to hear about it. I can't imagine what driving one of them dragsters must feel like with bum knee.

Yeah, I was a happy camper. Indy falls at a good time for ESPN2. Start of college football but a dead weekend between end of NFL pre-season and start of the regular season. I can imagine it's easier to program as a result. And I am not complaining.

It was a good weekend even if I did have to keep the TV turned down since hubby was sleeping -- stupid graveyard shifts.
Best coverage yet!! The duplication didn't bother me once I figured out each segment could stand alone to a new viewer and be interesting and entertaining............besides I am hardcore and could listen to those stories a million times.:)
The coverage was good.....but if I see that commercial of the lady lifting the weights and that stupid song one more time, I'm gonna scream..........if only I could remember what it was for......;)

It was a POWERade commercial... lol... it got old on me too.... but the point was she was lifting a 10lb weight VS a 50lb weight... followed by the line 10<50 . the POWERade "light" (it was called something else like.... Option) has 10 of something VS 50 of something for the other full strength power drink.

Got to be honest... Rockstar, Red Bull, Monster, Gatorade, Powerade is my order of preference...
It was a POWERade commercial... lol... it got old on me too.... but the point was she was lifting a 10lb weight VS a 50lb weight... followed by the line 10<50 . the POWERade "light" (it was called something else like.... Option) has 10 of something VS 50 of something for the other full strength power drink.

Got to be honest... Rockstar, Red Bull, Monster, Gatorade, Powerade is my order of preference...

It was a joke:rolleyes:
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