Nitro Member
This is shameful that HGH and Steroids are at the top of the U.S. Crongress agenda.Illegal drugs can be found on most every street corner of the country, but athletes using performance enhancing drugs requires a congressional probe. I'm not saying the issue isn't important, but should congress be involved. It sounds like it should be the responibility of law enforcement and the judicial system to investigate. Why are lawmakers takingon the job of law enforcers? Maybe Congress should start investigating illegaldrug use in their own playground! Washington DC.It appears to me that certain members of Congress may be using this issueto make a name for themselves. Or maybe they are hoping to generate somerevenue through fines on the athletes. It is easier to get money from a highprofile athlete than a drug pusher on the street.So what is next on the Congressional agenda? Investigating Britney Spears,Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton for showing their privates in public! I'm surethere is plenty of revenue to generate from these "celebrities".