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HGH and the U.S. Congress

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Nitro Member
This is shameful that HGH and Steroids are at the top of the U.S. Crongress agenda.Illegal drugs can be found on most every street corner of the country, but athletes using performance enhancing drugs requires a congressional probe. I'm not saying the issue isn't important, but should congress be involved. It sounds like it should be the responibility of law enforcement and the judicial system to investigate. Why are lawmakers takingon the job of law enforcers? Maybe Congress should start investigating illegaldrug use in their own playground! Washington DC.It appears to me that certain members of Congress may be using this issueto make a name for themselves. Or maybe they are hoping to generate somerevenue through fines on the athletes. It is easier to get money from a highprofile athlete than a drug pusher on the street.So what is next on the Congressional agenda? Investigating Britney Spears,Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton for showing their privates in public! I'm surethere is plenty of revenue to generate from these "celebrities".
Hey Man--Look at the bright side. At least while the morons in Congress are tied up worried about steroids, they aren't passing laws to cost us poor tax payers more money!!!!!!!!!! A silver lining to your cloud.:)
To top it all off ... a US Senator is meeting with NFL today to ask them why they destroyed some video tapes after 1 team got caught cheating. The whole Legislative branch of our government is tied up meddling in professional sports today .....
I agree with everyone. I think its totally crazy for our government to be worried if some over paid, ego maniac, babied athlete took HGH or steriods. I understand that its a bad image for kids and all that, but Congress shouldnt be involved. And the nfl Pats tape fiasco is even more ridiculous than the steriods deal.

Its like our government has never heard of: illegal immigration, healthcare, insurance, terrorism, etc. There's alot more important subjects to be having hearings on for sure.
I am sure it is alot deeper than any of us know as this situation reminds me of the Martha Stewart insider trading issue as she pissed off someone to land in that hot seat...
When our government wants you for whatever reason there is no stopping them...IMO Clemens is being ripped apart for some influencial (sp ck?) reason..
It certainly creates a lump in my throat to know that steroids/hgh issues are at the forefront of congressional oversight. How proud we must all be of our hardworking congressional delegation to spend our hard earned tax dollars dealing with this issue.

It's as insane as the celebrity worship hysteria being forced down our throats by all the media outlets.

Jeez, give me a break will ya? How about voting out every incumbent representative in D.C. and send them packing! Can it really get any more insane than it already is currently?

Oh wait, that would require effort on the part of educated, common sense voters in this country to actually cast a ballot once in awhile.

What was I thinking?:confused:
Congress is the legislative branch of government.Not the judicial branch, they have no business being involved here.After this ridiculous fiasco is over, I'm sure they will need a long recess to rest up after all this hard work.:rolleyes:If they could actually police an activity, Ted Kennedy would not be a Senator.
The sound you hear is the price of all my 1980's MLB Topps Rookie Cards dropping like team orders at Pomona2. JK! But really! I wish these guys would go away and let's play ball in April.
The sound you hear is the price of all my 1980's MLB Topps Rookie Cards dropping like team orders at Pomona2. JK! But really! I wish these guys would go away and let's play ball in April.

Last i checked (which has been a # of years) the Clemens Fleer rookie was the most valuable r.c. of the 80's by far. That's subject to change in the near future if it already hasn't.
Thanks Matt for saying what has been on my mind all day everytime I heard the news on the radio reporting of this "very important" matter that congress is spending, no wasting taxpayer $$ on.

I look at this subject in the same manner as a racer cheating in NHRA. The sanctioning body needs to step in and enforce their rules to retain the integrity of the sport. Same for Major League Baseball. If they want the sport of baseball to be regarded as a legitimate sport of superior athletes competing on a level playing field, then they need to police the players and do all the investigations. If a player is caught using an illegal substance, then turn them over to law enforcement for prosecution. The Federal Government has no business putting their nose into this when there are more pressing matters for them to be working on.

Instead you have a group of grandstanding politicians who try to grab the headlines investigating this non issue when they should be dealing with important matters such as the constant flow of illegal aliens who are invading our country everyday and costing taxpayers billion$ of $$ a year in services. sweat. I don't know if it's as bad everywhere, but the H-town connection has just made this UNBEARABLE! I don't, nor will I ever, consider Pettite and Clemens a major part of Astros history, but the fact they are both hometown boys seems to facilitate saturation in our local media of all forms. I'm just tired of it.

I don't begrudge y'all your political and governmental agendas...I'm just over it. So, you could say "if you don't like the thread, move on" right?


It would be all well and good except Bud Selig (the Comissioner of baseball) is the one who paid 50 million to the government for Senator Mitchell to head up a committee to investigate this matter, BASEBALL asked for it, not the government, but since they got involved you know what happens next, the Mitchell report was released and congress was satisfied, enough, Then ole' Roger the Rocket had to blow his horn and now they will dig up all the poop they can and Roger's name is/will be mud for lying like a rug, after all do we really belive Him???? His Wife admitted to taking HGH for cryin' out loud. This Mess is Baseball's fault for opening the can and dumping it on Capitol Hill.
It would be all well and good except Bud Selig (the Comissioner of baseball) is the one who paid 50 million to the government for Senator Mitchell to head up a committee to investigate this matter, BASEBALL asked for it, not the government, but since they got involved you know what happens next, the Mitchell report was released and congress was satisfied, enough, Then ole' Roger the Rocket had to blow his horn and now they will dig up all the poop they can and Roger's name is/will be mud for lying like a rug, after all do we really belive Him???? His Wife admitted to taking HGH for cryin' out loud. This Mess is Baseball's fault for opening the can and dumping it on Capitol Hill.

When did the government become a for hire investigation firm?
When did the government become a for hire investigation firm?

That was done when corporations were given the same rights as individuals. And because of this, corporations push for government regulation. The reason for that is because the more regulations there are, the more protected they are from persecution or financial liability.

example #1:
I played baseball and I had to be as good as so & so or better to get drafted, keep my position, etc. so I took _______. It's because of baseball that I now have _________ health issues. It's the leagues fault I took ______. So they should pay for it. Let's file a suit.

example #2:
I played baseball and I had to be as good as so & so or better to get drafted, keep my position, etc. so I took _______. It's because of baseball that I now have _________ health issues. It's the leagues fault I took ______. But it was against the law so I have to go on disability, medicare, medicaid, ____ private insurance program.

Problem is, because the government was asked to look into it by people or in this case the baseball commission which is a corporate entity, someone else will eventually get stuck with the tab.
Oh, yeah... and guess who that someone else will be...

yep, Mom & Pop Taxpayers.

That is my source of irritation on this matter.

I did a quick glance at US Constitution to see where it says that Congress can pimp their services to anyone who waves a few millions before them and for some reason I can't find where it is listed in the document.

It's probably my fault for expecting Congress to abide by their duties and responsibilities as defined in Constitution.

Solution is to vote out every incumbent next election as Tom Montgomery suggested earlier in this thread.
Last i checked (which has been a # of years) the Clemens Fleer rookie was the most valuable r.c. of the 80's by far. That's subject to change in the near future if it already hasn't.

Yes, you are so right Todd. Suject to change is the key factor. Just happy I can finally see an A's game this season as they come to Turner in May.
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