Head Blasts WJ For Comments (1 Viewer)

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First, it's about time somebody out there did not speak through politically correct filters all the time.

I also think he makes good points about public speaking right after the end of a scary run, with all the adrenaline pumping, as surely must have been Warren's state after a hairy run.

But, to suggest that Warren prefers non-weepy tracks at the expense of safer nitro racing is a little harsh. I don't think Warren was framing his gripe as an either-or deal. He was trying to suggest that NHRA should have been keeping nitro cars from reaching ludicrous speed for the last ten years, instead of pouring money into top end sand traps and catch nets.

But, good points all around and at least we are starting to see some debate from people that know what they're talking about from their decades of racing.

Careful, something interesting is finally breaking through the PC filters in NHRA media coverage!

-90% Jimmy

plus, Warren once stated the reason nitro has such fan appeal is because people like to see them blow up. I am not one of them. There are other human beings in those cars that I really really don't want to see hurt or killed.
In this "PC" world it's kind of nice to hear someone speak their mind for a change ! Right or wrong, at least WJ says what he feels. This sport needs a badboy ( miss you Baze ) so it's great to see WJ step to the plate !
w.j was 1000% right with everything he said, i dont take too much out of a guy with heads win totals and career compared to warrens.
Warrens comments were a little ignorant.
What he said were valid statements and entirely true as far as the race track itself, but he did not have to portray the 'concentration" of the efforts to fix the shutdown area as some sort of waste or competition. That kind of pits himself against his fellow competitors, which was his mistake.

Having said that, unless you say something totally crazy and "ignorant", you will never get anyone's attention to the plight. You can see clearly that Warren felt that it is only a matter of time before someone gets killed.
Head said it himself. He knows how to fix the problem, but the NHRA won't listen. Sounds very typical of the NHRA's egotistical nature. Head should be Warren's partner to fix the problem, not his adversary.
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Head is the same guy who has gone on and on about how unsafe 1320 feet racing is and how if they went back to a quartermile he'd quit. Then in the last qualifying session in Vegas last year his header flames were fully visable at the 1320 mark, right next to the Summit sign painted in black on the wall.
For Jim Head or George to use the word "ignorant" with respect to WJ is quite a bit over the top. Perhaps WJ's comments are full of hyperbole, but to call him, of all people in the NHRA, "ignorant" is pretty silly.

ig⋅no⋅rant  /ˈɪgnərənt/
1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
3. uninformed; unaware.
4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.
w.j was 1000% right with everything he said, i dont take too much out of a guy with heads win totals and career compared to warrens.

Does that statement show ignorance or stupidity? Or both?

WJ was right to a point and then totally lost the high ground by shooting his mouth off like he does a lot.
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