Happy Birthday Eric Howell (1 Viewer)

Thanks, Shannon. Got the day off today. that is one of the best presents. ;) We are going to the zoo with my son, and fiance's nieces. Then to mexican for dinner. Should be good times, especially the huge hat at dinner while they sing!
Happy Happy Joy Joy...
Sounds Like a GREAT Day... Zoo with the Kids, Dinner Out...

And Remember, you're not getting older, Just Wiser...
Okay Just Older


Thank you, everybody. We did have a good day. Bailey and I started at the zoo. Lynn went to get her nieces and come back. We got some sprinkles, then quite a bit heavier rain. forecast changed from lots of sun all day, to rain most of the day. So, we just went back to Lynn's sisters for the day. The kids played most of the day. Then out to dinner. We had a lot of fun, nice to share my birthday with my soon to be sister in law too.
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