I love how 'most' NHRA folks, when it comes to those ‘Special’ causes, there is genuine involvement. Unlike other Sports individuals who will ‘show up’ for a cause but you can read right through them – they are there only to fulfill an obligation. You watch Jack (and some others) and they really get it. They get 1-on-1 with the people who are living the situation. They really want to make a difference in other peoples lives.Jack is awesome.
You can tell when drivers are with a cause because they have to be, although they say the right things its just one of a million thigs they have to do that weekend and while the effort is greatly appreciated you can tell the heart is not fully into it. With Jack however, it is so much different, he has such a genuine heart. When he talked of that boy he felt it and truely cared. With other causes and tributes he has done its always been like that.