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Ford Motors report $12.7 Billion net loss for 2006

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Think the loss may have to do with Ford's open support of homosexuality and gay marriage? Millions of Americans are letting their voices be heard on this issue.
AFA ActionAlert

AFA - American Family Association - Promoting Traditional Family Values


I certainly think it had an effect on their Sales, although they adamantly feel that it isn't a problem and refuse to stop supporting homosexual publications and continue to target gays. As big a market as that may be, or may become, the Christian organizations and millions of people who feel otherwise about promoting gay lifestyles, is a much BIGGER market. To lose so many to appeal to so few is a big mistake in my book. I try to like Ford and want to support America, but I'm not in favor of what they are doing. Those that don't agree with me can call me whatever they want, but it isn't going to change my mind on the subject of homosexuality.
I am amazed w/ peoples attitudes towards gays and such. Having worked in the motion picture industry I was always aroung those 'type' of people and even though I am not gay, they were the nicest, most honest, hardest working people in the industry.
We had more trouble w/ 'straight' males on the set in regards to: stealing, drinking, doing drugs, infidelity, etc.
The stats will prove that prisons are full of straight men (94%) and straight women.
I don't get it...The hate and dislikes of certain peoples partners preference...
This is a moral issue and only those with morals coupled with a sound grasp of religion could understand it. The rest will point fingers at the first group.

Isaiah 5:20
The stats will prove that prisons are full of straight men (94%) and straight women.
Two of my sons and I have spent the past half decade of our Sunday nights teaching religious instructions in the Lewis, Perryville and Eagle Point correctional facilities. I could dispute your statistics but for the sake of no-argument, I'll just say that over 82% of all stastics are made up on the spot by someone for the sake of argument.

I don't have stastics but it has been my understanding over the past 5+ years that most prisoners are sexually active during their prison term and while it repulses me to think of it, I must remind you that they men and women don't co-exist in these prisons. You do the math.

or just read how Paul puts it:

2 Timothy 3: 1-7
Let me make something clear. I have no ill feelings towards homosexuals. I have known and have worked with several. I have a relative who is gay....he is a well known and respected Broadway director, an author, as well as a kind and gentle human being.

However, as a Christian, Scripture is clear on the issue of homosexuality. God calls it sin. Again, as a Christian, Jesus teaches us to 'love the sinner but hate the sin'. When God refers to something as sin, free will is implied. The Creator would not condem a human being because of something over which they have no control. Sin is willful disobedience to God's word.

This is one of the difference between secular and Christian society.

We can ignore, disobey, rile against, feign ignorance about, ridicule, block out.... there are any one of a number of things we can do to keep God out of our lives. However, His word stands forever and there will come a day when 'every' (not just some, not just Christians, not just a few, ) but "every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord."

Sadly, for many it will be too late. ("Broad is the path which leads to destruction and many will find it. Narrow is the path which leads to salvation, and few will find it.") As true with all of the decisions we make in our lives, we are accountable to God for our choices.

The Christian majority has been silent too long and that needs to change. Because we too, are accountable to God, for the things we should do, but do not. When a person is afraid of ridicule for speaking out against issues such as homosexuality, he/she is accountable. Speaking against the sin, is NOT hating the sinner. When we do that, we are also accountable, because we have been directed to 'love one another'.

Anyone who thinks any of this is easy, is fooling no one. If we are honest with ourselves, most can admit that a battle sometimes rages between our 'human' self and our spiritual self. Even Christians can lose sight of the difference between hating the sin but not the sinner.

Being a Christian is NOT for sissys. The Good News however, is that 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'.
Bobby....My hat is off for your efforts...I applaud them and I am sure you will cont to help promote moral issues w/in the prison(s). An awesome deal and I am sure alot of people will benefit from your efforts.
Bobby, I have seen and observed your family @ many CIFCA events and your families attitude was top fact I came home from a CIFCA race and mentioned your family to my wife and I learned alot from you.......w/out ever meeting you.

Jackee....I am w/ you 100%....

I was just pointing out my experiences w/ both types of lifestyles in So Calif when I worked/lived there. One of the many reasons we moved to Boise..

Not that I would expect any less from you, but that had to be one of the most incredibly honest and heartfelt post I've ever read.
Let's be honest, the reason GM and Ford are in such dire straits are because they have become welfare states! Paying health care and retirement for Retired workers who no longer produce anything can only drain any corporation! GM spends more on Healthcare than it does for Steel, that explains it all right there! Our Social security system's next if it doesn't get changed you watch!
Let's be honest, the reason GM and Ford are in such dire straits are because they have become welfare states! Paying health care and retirement for Retired workers who no longer produce anything can only drain any corporation! GM spends more on Healthcare than it does for Steel, that explains it all right there! Our Social security system's next if it doesn't get changed you watch!
Although those are giant contributing factors, you will find Ford's decision to openly choose a certain market path has caused them increased losses. You can read what hundreds of thousands of consumers have joined in against Ford for such decisions here: - Sponsored by American Family Association

Again, you were very well stated! Thanks!
Does anyone else think that part of the reason for Ford's huge losses may just be...LOUSY CARS AND TRUCKS?

/cough/ ...6.0...PowerStroke... /cough/ My guess is that if the new Super Duty platform doesn't pan out, you can kiss Ford goodbye.

Income from their truck line has LONG been a staple of Ford's diet, and has consistently represented the bulk of their profits, along with SUV sales. 2004 - 2006 has been the death march for them, and has predictably followed the trend of the American public's distaste for Ford's Truck and SUV line, due to quality issues and...well...rollover deaths. :(

Perhaps their stance on supporting gay lifestyles has hurt. Maybe, maybe not. People just aren't going to shell out $45K for a sub-standard piece of sh!t any longer. :cool:

Oh...and killing the Taurus, Ford's everlasting source of mid-size car revenue, could not have been more ill-fated. Who among us, as starry-eyed teenagers, sat looking at the new car ads dreaming of that long-awaited day when you would have in your hot little hands a set of keys to a brand new, shiney...Fusion?
I'm a homosexual and I drive a Ford.....

Yes it is true...the ex-joker is a Lesbian and has been for years :D know what? I've been driving fords for years too....

KB fka jOkA!:cool:
Let me make something clear. I have no ill feelings towards homosexuals. I have known and have worked with several. I have a relative who is gay....he is a well known and respected Broadway director, an author, as well as a kind and gentle human being.

However, as a Christian, Scripture is clear on the issue of homosexuality. God calls it sin. Again, as a Christian, Jesus teaches us to 'love the sinner but hate the sin'. When God refers to something as sin, free will is implied. The Creator would not condem a human being because of something over which they have no control. Sin is willful disobedience to God's word.

This is one of the difference between secular and Christian society.

We can ignore, disobey, rile against, feign ignorance about, ridicule, block out.... there are any one of a number of things we can do to keep God out of our lives. However, His word stands forever and there will come a day when 'every' (not just some, not just Christians, not just a few, ) but "every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord."

Sadly, for many it will be too late. ("Broad is the path which leads to destruction and many will find it. Narrow is the path which leads to salvation, and few will find it.") As true with all of the decisions we make in our lives, we are accountable to God for our choices.

The Christian majority has been silent too long and that needs to change. Because we too, are accountable to God, for the things we should do, but do not. When a person is afraid of ridicule for speaking out against issues such as homosexuality, he/she is accountable. Speaking against the sin, is NOT hating the sinner. When we do that, we are also accountable, because we have been directed to 'love one another'.

Anyone who thinks any of this is easy, is fooling no one. If we are honest with ourselves, most can admit that a battle sometimes rages between our 'human' self and our spiritual self. Even Christians can lose sight of the difference between hating the sin but not the sinner.

Being a Christian is NOT for sissys. The Good News however, is that 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'.

BRAVO's like this one makes me glad I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, Preach it girl :D :D :D :D
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