Let me make something clear. I have no ill feelings towards homosexuals. I have known and have worked with several. I have a relative who is gay....he is a well known and respected Broadway director, an author, as well as a kind and gentle human being.
However, as a Christian, Scripture is clear on the issue of homosexuality. God calls it sin. Again, as a Christian, Jesus teaches us to 'love the sinner but hate the sin'. When God refers to something as sin, free will is implied. The Creator would not condem a human being because of something over which they have no control. Sin is willful disobedience to God's word.
This is one of the difference between secular and Christian society.
We can ignore, disobey, rile against, feign ignorance about, ridicule, block out.... there are any one of a number of things we can do to keep God out of our lives. However, His word stands forever and there will come a day when 'every' (not just some, not just Christians, not just a few, ) but "every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord."
Sadly, for many it will be too late. ("Broad is the path which leads to destruction and many will find it. Narrow is the path which leads to salvation, and few will find it.") As true with all of the decisions we make in our lives, we are accountable to God for our choices.
The Christian majority has been silent too long and that needs to change. Because we too, are accountable to God, for the things we should do, but do not. When a person is afraid of ridicule for speaking out against issues such as homosexuality, he/she is accountable. Speaking against the sin, is NOT hating the sinner. When we do that, we are also accountable, because we have been directed to 'love one another'.
Anyone who thinks any of this is easy, is fooling no one. If we are honest with ourselves, most can admit that a battle sometimes rages between our 'human' self and our spiritual self. Even Christians can lose sight of the difference between hating the sin but not the sinner.
Being a Christian is NOT for sissys. The Good News however, is that 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'.