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ESPN... it's not the JFHRA

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ASSCAR *has* had a female driver and she sucked. She didn't get much press because she sucked and couldn't sell water in the desert. I am a HUGE fan of the Force team, but you guys are right, WAY too much over exposure in the WORST telecast of all time. Paul Page SUCKS and looks like Howdy Doody at 70 right after a face lift. He doesn't know dick about the sport, and is totally out of place. He also talks WAY too much. I know Steve and Dave are gone, but bring back Diamond P. ESPN has ALWAYS sucked and will ALWAYS suck.

Your right she did suck and matter of fact I recall her wrecking Dale Jr at Texas won year and he was livid b/c he was leading the race when it happened. Shawna Robertson or something like that right? Anyways, what I meant was when Nascar gets there first woman who actually stands a chance of winning. It will be 24/7 and 10 times worse than Ashley/NHRA was.

As for the person who asked if she is really helping the viewership, lets put it this way. I have several JFR shirts and unless I was at a racetrack or a motorsports venue I never received any comments, nothing. Since Driving Force came out there hasnt been one time I have worn one of my shirts that someone hasnt said something to me about it. "Hey, thats the dragster guy with those hot daughters on A&E" or "Hey, you know him, I watch his show, its pretty cool", etc. My wife and I were eating the other day at a local chinese restaurant and a guy came up to me and asked where I got the shirt from and I told him at the track last year here in Baytown. The guy had no idea the NHRA even came here and said that this year he would definitely go and I think he will. I even had people at work say stuff to me when they seen it in USA Today.
Overkill on the Forces...yes..Publicity for the sport ...yes..agree, give it time , it will go away ...somewhat..A pretty face goes a long way on the tube ( I'm not talking about John either ) :D
Don't get me wrong, I am 10,000% behind Ashley, and like seeing coverage on her, my problem with it was they kept asking her the SAME questions, and getting the SAME answers. Poor girl sounded like a broken record. The announcers need to get more creative with questioning, or let her be.
Yes the repetitive nature of the questions and comments was the most bothersome part.

I really don't know what people expected. I'm a Force fan, but I knew with him not being in the show and Ashley debuting, that it was going to be a Force-A-Thon like the world has never seen.

I mean you had two of the biggest stories surrounding that team. Regardless of what you think about Force, him not being qualified going into the final session was a huge deal, and even without Ashley they would have been focusing on him like mad.

Just give it some time, I'm sure before the season's over, this will be a distant memory and you guys will have moved on to complain about something else.
ASSCAR *has* had a female driver and she sucked. She didn't get much press because she sucked and couldn't sell water in the desert. I am a HUGE fan of the Force team, but you guys are right, WAY too much over exposure in the WORST telecast of all time. Paul Page SUCKS and looks like Howdy Doody at 70 right after a face lift. He doesn't know dick about the sport, and is totally out of place. He also talks WAY too much. I know Steve and Dave are gone, but bring back Diamond P. ESPN has ALWAYS sucked and will ALWAYS suck.
And how do you REALLY feel, Tom.

I bypass all the crap and focus on the racing..which was excellent. We're lucky to have ESPN at this point.
I agree with most everyone. Although the deal was completely overdone, the bottom line is that Ashley will likely bring a whole new generation of viewership, and that will be necessary for future prosperity. However, I just don't think the timing and/or format was thought out very well.

For example, I can't help but wonder what was going through the minds of the individual(s) from Skytel that made the final call on spending several million dollars in the NHRA this year while on the plane ride home from the Winternationals. You know, we're likely going to be having the Ashley Force saga force-fed (no pun intended) to us all year long, but where a new sponsor is concerned, you only have one chance to make a good first impression, which must come at the Winternationals. And as far as I'm concerned, the people responsible for making the decisions on the format, whether it's ESPN2 or the suits in Glendora, have no excuse. Anybody that knows anything about business will tell you how risky it is to have all of your eggs in one basket, and running this deal shouldn't be any different. Your customer base needs to be as broad as possible, and they all need to be catered to to some degree.

Skytel is just one example, I'm sure. All the new players in our sport need to get some quality airtime during the Winternationals every year, regardless of their respective car's performance. After all, as great as Force has been for the sport, it can't survive on his team alone.

Sean D
but when push comes to shove ashley will get right in that open wheel car and make laps and danica will have a hard time just standing at the line nevermind driving. the nod goes to our nitros child! :D ashley rocks!

I always find it funny when some of you get on here and say who in drag racing is going to get in a F1, IRL or Champ Car and hustle it around a track.

Trust me when I say, the learning curve of going fast in a open wheel car at Road America, Spa-Francorchamps and IMS, will be much steeper than that fuel funny car.
Don't get me wrong, I am 10,000% behind Ashley, and like seeing coverage on her, my problem with it was they kept asking her the SAME questions, and getting the SAME answers. Poor girl sounded like a broken record. The announcers need to get more creative with questioning, or let her be.

Holy Crap, an Erica Sighting!:eek:
ASSCAR *has* had a female driver and she sucked. She didn't get much press because she sucked and couldn't sell water in the desert. I am a HUGE fan of the Force team, but you guys are right, WAY too much over exposure in the WORST telecast of all time. Paul Page SUCKS and looks like Howdy Doody at 70 right after a face lift. He doesn't know dick about the sport, and is totally out of place. He also talks WAY too much. I know Steve and Dave are gone, but bring back Diamond P. ESPN has ALWAYS sucked and will ALWAYS suck.

WOW, I was thinking the same thing. It's great that Ashley can actually get that Flopper down the track, Imagine that, but come on. SPEED should try to fight to pick up some of these races and actually cover the race. Does TJJ still run a funny car, oh yeah he's in the new Impala SS Skoal car, Didn't see it till Sunday Eliminations.
Just a couple of points that might be worth mentioning/considering.

First, when ESPN was planning the Saturday show they, like virtualy everyone else at Pomona, was expecting the fourth and final qualifying session to be rained out, hence the heavy concentration on the third session. That also probably impacted the lack of exposure for Jerry Tolliver's announcement.

Second, whether you like it or not, Ashley Force was THE story of the Winternationals for all the obvious reasons, certainly including the fact that she's a woman and her father is a 14-time champion.

It is absolutely imperative for the sport's future growth that new fans be attracted to both the TV show and to the track. We can't keep depending on the likes of us, the truly hard core fans. New blood both in the grandstands and on the track is needed, and Ashley represents that.

While there have been part-time women competitors in Funny Car in the past, none has made the full tour, at least that I can recall. The other thing that those other women had in common was the under-funded nature of their rides. Their chances of winning weren't very good. Ashley's are obviously far better.

The same people who are complaining about the Ashlery overkill were also complaining about the exposure Ms. Enders received in the beginning, but the difference here is that Ms. Force has already delivered on the track by qualifying, something Ms. Enders struggled for months to accomplish.

Now Ms.Enders is "just another racer," but when she succeeds and/or performs well, she deserves every bit of exposure she gets.

Remember, in both instances we're talking about personable, quotable, attractive young women who are competing in a sport still dominated by men.

It's ironic that we're complaining about Ms. Force's exposure when we should be embracing it. Other forms of motorsports are vainly attempting to deal with their lack of minority and women competitors with formal programs to address those issues, yet here's drag racing, way, WAY aead of the curve in those areas.

We've got some kick butt women drivers out there and if, collectively, they can help introduce new fans and new sponsors to the sport they will have succeeded even if they don't win championships.

As to the comment about Skytel not getting much exposure, there are 22 more races on the POWERade Series trail, and they'll certainly get their share somewhere down the road.

It might not sometimes appear so, but ESPN is very cognizant of things like new sponsorships and the like, so even Tolliver's Rockstar operation wil get its due.

I think the one thing many of us here tend to forget is just how hard core we all are. Remember, we are NOT like most of the fans out there, who are casual at best in their affinity for the sport. Members here are probably among those souls who sat in the grandstands from early Sunday morning on despite the rain. The casual fans were the ones who stayed home lest they get a little damp.

So give ESPN, "National Dragster," and every other media outlet a chance to do their best for the sport, and if doing their best means an overdose of Ms. Force for a while, so be it.

Jon Asher
Bravo, Jon! Couldn't have said it better myself. Think "big picture" folks, and don't worry about one race's coverage. It will all work out as the season progresses.
As to the comment about Skytel not getting much exposure, there are 22 more races on the POWERade Series trail, and they'll certainly get their share somewhere down the road.

You know, Jon, for the most part I've always supported what you had to say, because from a journalism standpoint, you're a stud. I'll always stand by that.

But I'll also stand by my statement about the Skytel example. I'm sure you're probably right in that they, along with all the other new sponsors coming into the fold, will get their due. But like I also said, you just don't get a second chance to make a good first impression.

That being said, I believe there needs to be another platform leading up to and including the first race of the year, every year, that really shines the light on these newcomers. They opted to spend their money with us, and because of that, they deserve a certain amount of "overkill" pointed their way as well. You know, really do it up and kiss some butts.

I'm not trying to be adversarial, Jon, because like I said before, you've got it giong on and I recognize that. Just my point of view.

Sean D
Something missed that would have covered all the bases (including the Force family) would have been a program before the Winters like the old Diamond P "Thunder In The Distance" show that was on 10-15 years ago.. 2 hours (I think)- covered all the classes, and covered ALL of what had happened during winter break: new sponsors, driver changes, new technology.. Since Glendora is paying for airtime, Pomona would be a good place to buy one more episode of time, even if it was on Saturday (Prime Time? :cool: ) to bring ALL fans, old and new, up to speed with the new season.
Although AF is certainly marketable, smart and attractive she was not THE story at Pomona: she was A story, a valuable part of the picture but overexposure is neither sound marketing nor interesting. How many times do we need to hear "30 years in 30 seconds" or "28 years" as Mr Page said. I am sure she was drained by the same stuff over and over, then in the booth where the lead (Page) should have the skills to ask the open ended new and insightful questions--yawn. I believe the lack of journalistic skill and shortsided production is not going to keep a new audience. The other stories and "plotlines" should ALSO start now and thread through the season and, guess what--the racing and what happens before after and during the runs. NHRA is a drag racing (sport and technology) and fan (entertainment) organization by its charter, not a tabloid.
You guys ever think that since Skytel didnt get alot of coverage that could be the Snake's fault any??? If I recall John had a HUGE press conference announcing Ash going to FC and invited every media outlet there is. Remember she was all over the internet and in most papers. They spent mega $$$ to promote her and Castrol along the way while doing it. It was a media blitz. All paid for by JFR. Now back to Snake, we never heard any word about Skytel untill testing and there still hasnt been anything really said about it. It aint all NHRA's fault people, could they have covered it a little better, Sure. But like Jon Asher said, whether you agree with him or not, Ashley Force was the STORY at the Winternationals, not just a story.
1. I think we should all get used to the JFHRA this year, it's not going to go away. Definitely would have liked to have seen more exposure for SkyTel, and really everybody else they didn't show much of.
2. Ashley and Danica are both cuties, have to give the nod to Danica :p
3. I beleive it takes more skill to drive an open wheel car than an F/C, but of course in a completely different way.
4. Didn't Shirley run the full circuit in F/C in her day? I know there weren't as many events then, but she match raced the whole season long. JMHO bOb
... It is absolutely imperative for the sport's future growth that new fans be attracted to both the TV show and to the track.... Jon Asher

Wouldn't you agree that it is also imperative to the future of the sport that existing driver's and sponsors get a fair amount of coverage so as to ensure their future involvement? And how would it look to a potential sponsor tuning into the Pomona broadcast only find that nobody else receives much coverage?

I fully appreciate how big a story Ashley's debut was and welcome the idea of her being a beacon of light in the dismal dark hole that Glendora has created.

But as noted above, there were other stories at Pomona and I just don't feel it was necessary or appropriate for the show to be dominated so lopsidedly by the coverage of everything JFR.
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You guys just need to wait until the Chase deal begins b/c at the last few races of the year, your not going to be seeing anyone other than who's in the chase. I cant wait to hear all the bitching then.
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