I always think of 2 guys in a horse & buggy (and the wives ain't there), and "let's see who can get to XXX first" and off they go..... 20 years later, they now have horseless carriages and guess what? Heh I have seen footage of the first cars to go 100 MPH, almost 120 years ago. And that man with the steam car that went something like 140 MPH in, what, 1903??? The first car race (in the USA) in late 1890's. to prove the reliability of cars. I think there were 5 cars & 3 made it. OR, Dick Kraft in the Bug, the first dragster. That thing looked a lot like early 1900's racers. Oh, I read a story about a car race in SoCalif, around 1905??? and the race went by an "old soldiers home" (as they called it). There were some Civil War Vets that saw that race. Ya have to think about the technology that was available in the 1860's, and these Vets lived long enough to see automobiles & airplanes. Wow....