Bross Hawg
Nitro Member
It looked like it smoked #3 on the run in the first round, and for whatever reason, the head that was on that side for both runs might not flow as well. It could be something as simple as the jetting was off in the head.
Being that the heads are CNC machined and accurate to within .001", how would that be the case? I would believe a jetting issue, everyone makes mistakes...or the tuneup was just off and someone is looking to blame a part...
As far as the staging "duel" when both cars are in the prestage beams and neither one is in the stage beam, the clutch pedal is depressed and the clutch is not making much heat. They step off the pedal when they roll in to stage and stay off the pedal, the clutch discs are then slipping. If someone was to stage, then the other person took, say, 6 seconds to roll in...that would be an issue. The only issue with what happened Sunday was amount of fuel burned (they are still burning 50 GPM on one stage of pump in prestage) and mental errors...