If I could suggest, any sponsor that remains in the sport, or any new ones that come in during these tougher economic times, please do your best to support them. Try their products, make a conscious decision to use their products/services over a non-participating product and let the retailer know that you are buying based upon their support.
This thread deals with Mac Tools and their withdrawal from the Kalitta team. I'm sure they still see drag racing as a viable form of not so much reaching their end user, but as a way to provide added value to thier distributors that sell the professional quality tools to the techs. That's why they can justify their continued support of NHRA and the MacDaddy US Nationals. If you are a tech and have access to a Mac Dealer, let them know you appreciate them, same for the Matco guys, and yes the Snap-On dealer as well. All the pro tool companies are taking a beating right now so some contraction is inevitable, but do what you can to keep the trucks rolling into your shop.
Check out and let GEICO give you an insurance quote on your toys, cars, house whatever. If they are competitive, let them know you appreciate their investment in the sport.
The old adage in customer service can be reversed here. "If you give great service, only the customer will know, if you give bad service, EVERYBODY will know....." well let's change that a bit to let all your friends know to support the people that support our sport. "Wake up America"......Pitts off...
PS...I'm trademarking that '"MacDaddy US Nationals" so Tony, if you would like to use it, get ahold of my attorney....lol