Who would be the points leader right now if there wasn't a "count down"?
The Countdown is a Fraud Pure and simple!!!
OH CRAP was there a mod school and I missed it.![]()
That makes 2 of us....... Maybe that is why Bobby M. doesn't want to post here anymore![]()
You need meds or something. Your way too uptight. Lighten up a bit!!!!In case you haven't noticed, you calling Brent an ass was earlier in this thread. You telling Melissa...earlier in this thread.
So every time you throw a smiley face, that means "change the topic?"
How about changing the subject yourself by creating a segue? Do they not teach those things in Mod school?
Oh and what exactly does "........................" mean? Is that another code for change the subject? I really should learn how to decifer you if I'm not to take it the wrong way. Because all this time I though you had nothing of substance to say, and you just wanted to increase your post count.
You need meds or something. Your way too uptight. Lighten up a bit!!!!![]()
I think you should adhere to your own advice.
Can't we all just get along![]()
Can't we all just get along![]()
Yeah what he said. In my opinion, this should all be deleted except the original message, and the posts in line with it.
Paul, I hope next week when Robert wins the title people don't keep on putting down the accomplishment that the team deserves. This is no different than what happened the past 2 years with the Pedregon's. The were labeled as not the "Real" champs, which I am sure you will remember and I defended the Countdown champs as I will do the same for Robert. Robert will be the champ regardless of what crap is spewed here.
big congrats to robert hight, jimmy prock and the entire jfr racing team on a great victory and all but sealing the 09 championship! couldnt happen to a better team, im sure the haters will chime in with force/robert indy round but theyll really be mad seeing robert win the championship in 2 weeks. CONGRATS ROBERT AND JFR!!!!!!!
He most certainly did not earn it nor deserve it. The only way he made it is because they were busy filming the next episode for A & E - "Diving Force".
That's really sad Melissa. Obviously you don't pay much attention to what is going on. And I'm sure you never took the time to actually stop at Robert's pit and talk to the guy. If you did then you wouldn't make statements like that. IMO, Robert is a class act and deserves to be the champion. He has worked his butt off to get where he is. And again, I'm goin' say,"way to go Robert and the AAA team on a job well done and DESERVED!!!!!!!
How dare you say I don't pay attention to what's going on? I've been watching this situation for months. If you had asked anyone at Indy this year who would win the John Force - Robert Hight match up, not one person would have bet on Force. Not one. Even the announcers saw it coming. Add that to the extra test session Robert got away with, and I do not think he deserved to make the countdown. Has he kicked ass since then? Yes - he's running away with it. But, his championship should have an asterisk next to it in the record books.
Since there have been teams in drag racing, there has been diving, or perhaps you prefer uncanny smoking of the tires? I liked John Force, found him funny, thought he was a good driver, but I'd have more respect for him if he just admitted that he did what he had to to advance all his teams. It was a great business decision, but not very fan friendly to those of us who cheer for the underdogs.
him winning the championship are an absolute disgrace and a slap to teams that should be the true champ.
this countdown is intolerable
Just like Tony and Cruz the past 2 years, Robert this year maximized his points at the right time. However, I do find it ironic that some of the people who dogged Cruz and Tony the past two years when they won the Countdown battle are now standing up for Robert and the championship he is on the verge of winning. If you are going to give Robert credit this year, you had better also recognize the prior 2 champs because they did the same thing Robert has done. Like I said before, congrats to Robert and team.