Can IHRA Even Survive? (1 Viewer)

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Nitro Member
Sep 14, 2006
Well well well. No funny car class and no signed sponsors. Musical chairs ownership and tracks. This organization seems to have a very questionable future for sure at a time when sponsor are hard to find. Will IHRA be a casualty of a struggling economy and no solid leadership from it's new owners? How about a merger between IHRA and Kenny Noland's organization? I was hoping IHRA would come west now its going south.

Its too bad the Knoll properties could not last. Am I the only one here that wishes the whole Knoll organization wasn't smoke and mirrors? Without Knoll's support the sport is really in bad shape in certain areas. OK Evan I now appreciate all you did until the plug was pulled. A couple of years ago someone said can you imagine where the sport would be like without Torco's money?
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Well well well. No funny car class and no signed sponsors. Musical chairs ownership and tracks. This organization seems to have a very questionable future for sure at a time when sponsor are hard to find. Will IHRA be a casualty of a struggling economy and no solid leadership from it's new owners? How about a merger between IHRA and Kenny Noland's organization? I was hoping IHRA would come west now its going south.

Its too bad the Knoll properties could not last. Am I the only one here that wishes the whole Knoll organization wasn't smoke and mirrors? Without Knoll's support the sport is really in bad shape in certain areas. OK Evan I now appreciate all you did until the plug was pulled. A couple of years ago someone said can you imagine where the sport would be like without Torco's money?

Where is Bill Bader when you need him. Doesn't have to own it. Just run it.
Rich, I'm usually an optimist but I'm seeing the same signs you are and it ain't good. If I managed an IHRA sanctioned track, especially if I hosted one of their National Events I think I'd be working on my exit strategy. What a shame as their events were becoming better each year. I think recent decisions are going to hurt the gate worse then they know.:(
The back door gate and attendance at any National event IHRA or NHRA is a money maker the purses are not that high and it is the contingencies that bring the purses up to respecablity (even that is marginal)

A divisional event is good proof of that. At all but maybe 10 divisionals across the country they are very successful without specators because of the racers fees.

350 race cars at an average of 500 per team in the IHRA (= $175,000
35,000 specators @ $50 per ticket (low estimate for gate fee) = 1.75 million
The purses are as follows.

TF 110,000
PM 45,000
PS 45,000
AFC 25,000
TS 7500
TD 7500
SR 6000
QR 6000
HR 5000
St 5000
SS 6000


If you added FC it would be another 110,000 the purse for sure total purses are less than 400,000

Add in all fees to IHRA and insurance wages and other costs, and there is money to be made at an IHRA w ithout series or title sponsors (every race is titled spnosred though so advertising cost for races are covered in that way.
The IHRA can survive as long as the big wigs profits and wallets are not the most important thing.

The back door gate and attendance at any National event IHRA or NHRA is a money maker the purses are not that high and it is the contingencies that bring the purses up to respecablity (even that is marginal)

A divisional event is good proof of that. At all but maybe 10 divisionals across the country they are very successful without specators because of the racers fees.

350 race cars at an average of 500 per team in the IHRA (= $175,000
35,000 specators @ $50 per ticket (low estimate for gate fee) = 1.75 million
The purses are as follows.

TF 110,000
PM 45,000
PS 45,000
AFC 25,000
TS 7500
TD 7500
SR 6000
QR 6000
HR 5000
St 5000
SS 6000


If you added FC it would be another 110,000 the purse for sure total purses are less than 400,000

Add in all fees to IHRA and insurance wages and other costs, and there is money to be made at an IHRA w ithout series or title sponsors (every race is titled spnosred though so advertising cost for races are covered in that way.
The IHRA can survive as long as the big wigs profits and wallets are not the most important thing.


I don't understand your math
Jim.. i think he is saying he doesn't get the Math used by the

Dean.. i kind of get the jist of your post myself... and my answer is i see a couple people trying to keep the profits higher so they keep their jobs....


all points bulliten.... Bill on the look out for Bill Bader.... please report to the head of the IHRA.......:D
I am not sure if IHRA was able to average 350 cars per race this year. Also the nitro cars did not pay to get in so you can for sure eliminate about 20 cars per race from that. I also think the $500 per car mark might be a bit high.
For sure the gate at an IHRA race might average 7,500 to 10,000 paying people per race.
I am 100% for sure if IHRA was making as much money as youy have listed that they would be in perfect shape right now with or without a series sponsor.
It seems as if it will be a very tough year for all racing. Hopefully everybody can work together and get through these tough times. I could not imagine life without nitro.
Bobby Lagana Jr.
We lost our national event, our divisional races, but what really hurts is that I was helping my freind, and his dad build a IHRA nitro F/C for the last year and a half, we're 95% completed, and now we don't have a place to run it, This sucks!:mad:
all this plus what if they actually drop the prostock and promod class down to 8 car field , i really hope they dont for sure , i live 45min from the grand bend track and attend the nationals every year i sure would not like to see say what like 35 pro cars come up here . hopefully things turn around someday soon i enojoy taking first timers to the race and gettin them into the sport.
Car counts for the ten events averaged 335 cars (3 over 400) (4 over 300) ( 2 over 250) and one 170
Those numbers did not include any brackets so the numbers were over 400 per event.
While spectator counts at some event were maybe 10,000 total at least four of them were over 25,000 (edmonton's was 40,000 I am told)
My main point is that the national events should be good money makers
without to much difficulty even with all the fees and costs.
The NHRA next year has 1/4 of their events without title sponsorship.
As far as racer costs (Entry fees crew etc) I may be off but I am sure that is close

Hopefully the series continues and gets through all the issues.

Car counts for the ten events averaged 335 cars (3 over 400) (4 over 300) ( 2 over 250) and one 170
Those numbers did not include any brackets so the numbers were over 400 per event.
While spectator counts at some event were maybe 10,000 total at least four of them were over 25,000 (edmonton's was 40,000 I am told)
My main point is that the national events should be good money makers
without to much difficulty even with all the fees and costs.
The NHRA next year has 1/4 of their events without title sponsorship.
As far as racer costs (Entry fees crew etc) I may be off but I am sure that is close

Hopefully the series continues and gets through all the issues.


Point well taken on the 25% of NHRA events not sponsored - but they do have that Coca Cola thing working for them.

I think IHRA has the double whammy of no Series Sponsor and - outside of Amalie and Edmonton's Cars & RV - I'm not sure of how may event sponsors.
Guys, guys, there will be no Evan Knolls to pay the purse. Sorry. We're having the same problem finding sponsors for our blown alcohol association and car show. Relatively speaking, nobody in 2009 is going to interested in funding a points fund for anyone unless they know they will benefit from it. I'm sorry for the guys in nitro funny car that have no place to go.
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Drag Racing Internet Magazine - Competition - IHRA REMAINS 1320 IN 2009 Well, at least the IHRA has decided to stay quarter mile for 2009, so I would say that is a positive step in the right direction, especially since their fuel racers probably could benefit from the cost savings of the shorter distance more than anyone. It seems like the IHRA may have even gotten some input from its racers on this decision. We will have to see whether all those screaming against the 1000' distance and that they would rather see 4.9x at 305 fuel cars on the quarter mile than 1000' races will start flocking to IHRA races next year.;) Looks like the IHRA is going to play up their faster top speeds for all its worth.
This is a positive move for the organization, two different finish lines is stupid! Now sign a series sponsor and bring back all the Funny Cars, market the fact that you’re the only major drag racing series with an event in the coveted Boston/New England area.:)
Oh yeah, I predict it will be a very short period before DRO's Jeff Burk will be tearing down the IHRA management for their decision to stay with the quarter mile.:rolleyes:
Bobby L said IHRA teams are self regulating their speeds due to small budgets. So, if NHRA teams were limited to 2 blowers or 2 blocks for 1320 would you a see speeds go down as well. Some kind of parts limit may just be as good as a HP decreasing measure.
Bobby L said IHRA teams are self regulating their speeds due to small budgets. So, if NHRA teams were limited to 2 blowers or 2 blocks for 1320 would you a see speeds go down as well. Some kind of parts limit may just be as good as a HP decreasing measure.

Showing up to a gunfight with only two bullets would be a nerve wracking experience. :eek:
Drag Racing Internet Magazine - Competition - IHRA REMAINS 1320 IN 2009 Well, at least the IHRA has decided to stay quarter mile for 2009, so I would say that is a positive step in the right direction, especially since their fuel racers probably could benefit from the cost savings of the shorter distance more than anyone. It seems like the IHRA may have even gotten some input from its racers on this decision. We will have to see whether all those screaming against the 1000' distance and that they would rather see 4.9x at 305 fuel cars on the quarter mile than 1000' races will start flocking to IHRA races next year.;) Looks like the IHRA is going to play up their faster top speeds for all its worth.

Bring one to florida and I 'm there.
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