Budweiser renews as Official Beer of NHRA (1 Viewer)

good to see, they are one of the best sponsors motorsports has ever seen.....now if they could just make there beer taste better and not give me a headache :p:p
now if they could just make there beer taste better and not give me a headache :p:p
LOL I rarely drink anymoe but when I do I make sure it's an A-B product. I'm distantly related to the Anheuser-Busch family so I feel like a traitor if I drink anything else. :p
I read where Coors took over as the "Official Beer of Nascar" so maybe Bud will put more money into NHRA sponsorship, but i'm not holding my breath.
I work for an A-B distributor so anything I drink goes to my profit sharing. Well it sounds good anyway. ;)
Now if all the NHRA tracks would follow suit and stop only having Miller products..lol

Personally, I don't think alcohol should be sold at the track, at least until all the toys are put away at the end of the day. To me, drinking in the pits or before going into the pits, is akin to drinking at the pistol range.

I can hear it now, after someone does something Stupid and gets hurt after killing a 12 pack... "But They Sold It To Me"... could that be the reason the pits and garage are closed to NASCAR Fans?

I saw too many ABC violations at the last event I went to...
This is a very touchy subject to me, sorry for the rant

Now if all the NHRA tracks would follow suit and stop only having Miller products..lol

thats got a lot to do with the local distributor working with the the main office on how much beer can be sold year round at the facility...

Good friend of mine owns the local AB Dist. here in Rockingham... Seago Dist. .. and they dropped it becasue they didn't believe the track could benifit them after the track changed to the IHRA.... a few years back..... since then they have tried to get back in ..but Coors keeps upping the anti on them....lol ....and St Louis doesn't want to help too much since they are not NHRA.... never mind the ROCK has events every weekend from Febuary to November...

Personally, I don't think alcohol should be sold at the track, at least until all the toys are put away at the end of the day. To me, drinking in the pits or before going into the pits, is akin to drinking at the pistol range.

I can hear it now, after someone does something Stupid and gets hurt after killing a 12 pack... "But They Sold It To Me"... could that be the reason the pits and garage are closed to NASCAR Fans?

I saw too many ABC violations at the last event I went to...
This is a very touchy subject to me, sorry for the rant


I agree Karl..I don't drink either. And I hate cleaning the spilled beer off my car when they get too close and have had too much.
Personally, I don't think alcohol should be sold at the track, at least until all the toys are put away at the end of the day. To me, drinking in the pits or before going into the pits, is akin to drinking at the pistol range.

I can hear it now, after someone does something Stupid and gets hurt after killing a 12 pack... "But They Sold It To Me"... could that be the reason the pits and garage are closed to NASCAR Fans?

I saw too many ABC violations at the last event I went to...
This is a very touchy subject to me, sorry for the rant


>>>>Greg >>>>I agree Karl..I don't drink either. And I hate cleaning the spilled beer off my car when they get too close and have had too much<<<<

Well I DO Drink and I question whether alcohol has any place at the Drag Races. Nothing, per se, wrong with an adult consuming an adult beverage or two but, some folks ruin it for the responsible people.

The biggest problem is when folks are allowed to bring it in 'cause it allows some folks to drink to excess.

I know there's a downside (cynical folks may acuse the tracks of profiterring) but I believe ONLY beer sold at the track should be allowed and the track should LIMIT the number of beers allowed to be sold.

There are serious legal issues to justify strict enforcement (Multi-Million Dollar Judgement against vendor at Giant's Stadium last year as a result of a traffic accident after the game.)
Mostly, excess alcohol consumption can cause irresponsible cretins to spoil other's day. My wife, my grandkid, my business associate.
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