I was there and saw Hobbs climb over the guardrail, but I’m pretty sure it was the early ‘80s.
Wow, was I ever there too. It was the 1984 US Nationals. I was seated on the tower side about a quarter of the way up the stands at about 1000 feet. The car went up and over
the guardrail and continued to grind itself on the OUTSIDE of the guardrail with the throttle stuck wide-open. Then it spun around just before it reached me and it looked like it
was going through the chain link fence and into the stands where I was sitting. I turned around and started running up the stands to get away, but then the spin continued back
into the guardrail and the engine ran out of fuel (since the fuel tank was long gone). Shortly after, I saw National Dragster's photo editor talking to the guy that had been sitting in
front of me. I believe it was him that shot one of the two sets of footage that Diamond P used in their coverage.
He was indeed running without a wing BUT he had a ground effects tunnel on the car that a crew member stood / rode on while the car was backing up from the burnout !
Everyone said he crashed because he didn't have a wing. I disagree. He smoked the tires at the hit of the throttle and the throttle stuck. He hit the guardrail well before a
wing would have taken effect. Having said that, if his tunnel didn't work, he could have crashed at the finish line and he would have gotten much more than the broken ankle
that he got. So who knows ?