Any news on Steve Engel? (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Jul 30, 2006
5 minutes from Lions (RIP)
He had a bad wreck last night in Pro Mod, and we have not heard of his condition. The car was in the right lane trying to bump in, and after running close to the wall made a hard left into the opposite wall (damaging about 20 feet of wall) before sliding way down track. Please keep him and his family in prayer.
Haven't heard anything yet either. That was a wicked looking crash. The wall seemed to explode where he hit it, as though the wall were made of styrofoam. I know, it's an understatement but I'll say it anyways...I hope he's okay.
What time did this happen? I'm not going back down till Mon.

This happened around 9, I think. This was maybe the 4th pair of the Pro Mod round. The only thing I saw was the car making a hard turn to the left and making a hard impact with the wall. I hope Steve is OK.
I was there last night, and was a horrible wreck. This is a terrible event, especially for such a nice group of people. We will pray for Steve and his family.
It was a horrible wreck. One of the worst I have seen, and, unfortunately, I have seen far too many.........he has been in surgery all day and I would rather not say too much about his injuries pending the surgery. Please, let's all pray for him and his family and race team.
Was there last night i had just walked down the bleachers and missed it,I hope he is ok.
t was one wicked impact. he was dancing most the way down the track and just past the finish line went aorund and smacked the wall in the opposite lane, almsot like a 90degree turn into the wall, not quite but close. News at the track wasn't good hope to hear a postive update soon
Didn't catch this thread until after posting mine, I didn't hear anything about his condition! I had to go to the Pro mod pits and find out myself!
That was the biggest and most direct hit I have ever seen anyone take into the wall at any of the drag races I have been too. When he hit the wall it literally exploded into concrete powder ... my first thought was holy sh!t ... he went THROUGH the wall ... then I saw him sliding down the track .... then there is that awful silence you never want to hear. So sorry to hear about his condition, my thoughts are with him for a speedy recovery.
.........The car was in the right lane trying to bump in, and after running close to the wall made a hard left into the opposite wall.........

kudos to nhra for the new safety area at the end of ORP.
now the rest of the track.

.........maybe time to consider center guard rail between lanes?

prayers are with steve.
Well, the K rail he hit is a temporary rail from the road course, which is the reason it "moved" on impact - had he hit the permanent guardrail, we might be discussing a much worse outcome. This leads me to a question - do most/all Pro Stockers and Pro Mods use/have HANS devices? I know the fuelers are required to have them, but I never gave it much thought for the rest. I believe that device, in itself, would have probably saved Steve's spinal injuries.

My thoughts and prayers are out to Steve, Tonya and Brandon Pesz. God Bless you all!:(
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