I'm pretty sure that's Greg facing the camera in the maroon shirt.
He had been at Rockingham earlier in the week doing the finishing touches on his car getting it ready to run. The story of that car and Greg's tremendous sacrifices and dedication to get to this point is absolutely amazing. If races were decided by dedication, he would have won a bunch that year.
Long story shortened - Greg came to Minnesota from Northern California to pick up the car at Ness' shop. He rented a Ryder box truck and managed to come up with some method of getting the car loaded, tied down, and unloaded.
He showed up at Rockingham BY HIMSELF having driven straight through from Minneapolis. I asked him what he was going to do for a crew at Atlanta and he said by that point he barely had enough money to get back home so he'd have to run the car himself.
I managed to find a capable crewmember to help him out at a price he could afford.
Believe me, Greg was far from being a penniless man. But his dream of racing his own Pro car back then took every available dollar plus some. He's since come to his senses

and is now living a "normal" life.
He's one of the handful of guys who never got the break that was needed but would have positively impacted drag racing if they had.
I had to add an edit -- after looking at the photo, I'm not so sure that isn't me with my back to the camera. Weird!!!!