Alan Johnson Racing (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Apr 16, 2008
Menifee, CA
What's going on over at Alan Johnson Racing. I know Alan lost his sponsor and is most likely racing on a minimal budget until he gets a new full time sponsor. Aside from his win at the Winternationals they have been running pretty miserable and arn't making very many full runs.
I can't imagine that Alan has lost his touch and would think he would at least be able to do better than losing in the 1st round in so many races. He isn't the power house he always has been or a big worry to the big teams.
We need him running good to keep the 'DON' and Kallitta teams from running away with all the races.
Lack of funding can't be helping. As long as he is in the top 10 by Indy, he has a legit shot at the title. It's all about getting hot the last 6 races.
Aj may be trying to go to the next level. Two step forward and three steps back. He really has nobody to answer to but himself
You know what happens when alan runs bad.......means the alan Johnson 9000 head will be available shortly
Not to mention that they're running on half the data and half the brain trust that they've run in many years.
I think if you look at the improvement in Britney Force's car since she got her sponsorship you'll find your answer. When you can go out and not worry about hurting parts you can run a more aggressive tune up and I'm sure have a totally different mindset about running the car. As said above, if they can make it to the Countdown, I'd bet you'd see that car be much more competitive.
Not to mention that they're running on half the data and half the brain trust that they've run in many years.

They still have Alan Johnson and Brian Husen. They are OK in the brain trust department. I would guess, and it is just a guess, that they are behind the 8 ball a bit in the can. Whether they are sorting out the 6 disc clutch or something like that.
they are ok?
Look at the big step in performance at BVR since Jason went over there, Coincidence?
If I were to venture a guess, AJR is just laying low on the radar and funds. When they make the countdown Shawn Langdon will start winning races. Alan did't get dumb but is holding back just enough to get into the countdown. Why be way in front since the count down in a way penalizes the team by starting the points from ground zero basically. Case in point, Wlkerson would of had a FC championship if it wasn't for the count down.
Mark my words, Shawn Langdon will be the 2015 TF champion or in the top three by season end.
That leads to an interesting question ... What does AJ do after Indy? Does he chase funding for 2016 or does he sell everything, disband the team and go back to tuning?
It was rumored that he was going to help Torrence. Since Steve was going to bring out the 2nd dragster anyway, I wonder if he could cut a deal to put Shawn in the 2nd car and also bring AJ over to lead the team.
That leads to an interesting question ... What does AJ do after Indy? Does he chase funding for 2016 or does he sell everything, disband the team and go back to tuning?

good question.....look how long larry d. tried to come back as an owner/driver and the correct funding just never materialized.
force still competitive but arguably and noticeably not to the financial degree he was accustomed too.
we've watched the dynamics of the leading teams change A LOT in the last two years.
A number of people predicted several years ago that it was likely that Khalid and/or Qatar would lose interest and leave AJR high and dry. Also possible that World Cup soccer bribery fiasco played a part in this. It's a shame that such a brilliant man didn't prepare for this possibility.
I think it wasn't that he hadn't prepared for it, Khalid wouldn't let AJR add associates on the car so he couldn't create a sponsor that might step up if Khalid took off like he did. Look how long it took JFR too find money and still didnt fill the budget he had.
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