Regardless of what your personal viewpoint is regarding what's now being called Lucas Oil Raceway (formerly O'Reilly Raceway Park, and even earlier as Indianapolis Raceway Park), the important point here is that NHRA has lost the biggest money-making event the round track had. And major improvements have been made to that end of the facility in recent years. You can ***** and moan all you want about the various tracks and their amenities, and you can even hate, or love, if you prefer, the NHRA, but the bottom line is that if they don't make money they won't have the funding to make the improvements you're calling for. NHRA has long wanted to tear down what's known as Parks Tower and completely rebuild it so they have a better Race Control setup and larger, more professional media facilities. Yeah, I know. You could care less about the media, but media coverage helps drive the sport, and we need it. So, the loss of the Nationwide race has the potential to produce widespread ramifications, most of them not good for drag racers or drag racing fans.
Jon Asher
Senior Editor
Jon Asher
Senior Editor