I sadly recall the accident at Union Grove. We were up next when it happened and it was a pretty bad accident with bad results. The photographer got destroyed hardcore. The event ended up to be called off after. I do not know the true cause of the accident 100%, but the car flew over the left barrier and hit the photographer head on. I remember a lot of people not even knowing the guy got hit until people ran to hel Rocca out.
People/photgraphers hanging on the guard rails and starting line is still a issue at GLD in my opinion and something should be done.
I recall (if my memory is accurate)the wheel's center section completely separated from the rim and still on the axle. Did that cause, the accident? I have no clue, but it looked like a normal accident until people arrived on the scene and realized what happened.
I already knew racing had it's dangers and I accepted them, but having something like that happen right in front of you is a def. wake up call.
I even recall talking to Rocca briefly before it happened and then out of no where, BAM. After the accident, I believe they took his blood work and all that stuff and the rest is history. It was a cool car, but that was def. a sad sight to see first hand.
This is all speculation, but wasn't it like the photographers first time filming and his GF was present. I was told second hand, the guy ran up to the guard rail after the car took off and then it was a case of bad timing....