Okay, I've got better clues. It's definitely not bottom end as I put the hose/stethoscope against the oil pan first thing and get nothing. Like I said, I changed rod and main bearings when I didn't even need to.
It's not a tapping like "tappets" (LOL), as in it's not a steady valvetrain-like tapping like one for one per revolution (or every other revolution, I know, it's a four stroke). It really is a rattling.
At idle the rattle starts out mild, then peaks to a loud rattle, then tapers off to a quiet rattle, goes silent for an instant, then starts the cycle all over again. I timed it with my stop watch and over and over again I got right at 1.5 seconds per "rattle cycle." I'm wondering if that's about how much time it might take the belt to make one revolution? (edit. Now that I'm thinking about it, it seems like it would make several in that time) I was guessing that it might have a chain instead of a belt but, whichever it has, that's where my suspicions lie.
I'll see if any of you are familiar with this engine before I decide whether to start taking things apart to look for it or take it to a dealer. I'm just betting it's something that might be common to this engine and that someone familiar with them might be able to say "That sounds like this that I've run into before with those."