10, 10 and 10 Etymology (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Nov 20, 2006
Hurricane, Utah
Back in the thread "Favorite Drag Racing Slang Terms" there was a term called Going "10, 10 and 10" when a racer would put 10 % more blower over-drive, 10% more timing and 10% more "POP" in the tank.

Does anybody know where this phrase started or some history about it?
Not sure where it started but a while ago when I was working for a data acq company in Indy my boss asked if I wanted to get out of Indy and go test with a NASCAR team for a couple days. Long story short, the driver went out for a couple laps and I downloaded the data. The team owners looking over my shoulder asked me ' what do you think we should do boy?' I told them it looks like we need to add nitro mag and blower and this thing will haul ass.'

Unfortunately they didn't appreciate it. LOL

My favorite saying still is 'Mass will save your ass.' I was working on AJ's FC at the time when Hogan was the CC. I was asking him about lightening up some parts in the engine. I explained all the benefits then he threw out that one liner that I will never forget.
Back in the thread "Favorite Drag Racing Slang Terms" there was a term called Going "10, 10 and 10" when a racer would put 10 % more blower over-drive, 10% more timing and 10% more "POP" in the tank.

Does anybody know where this phrase started or some history about it?

That phrase goes back to the 60's from what I've read over the years. Whoever said it first might be hard to nail down.

I know you couldn't dare do that on today's modern fuel car.
I thought this might be a thread about the DATE. Then, I realized, it's my daughter's birthday!:)
Actually when you think about it..pre forged blocks that was pretty ballsy. Rodeck fixed/band-aided alot of tune ups with his forged block.
Tim, the "10, 10 and 10" phrase was another way of saying "a Carroll Brothers tuneup". I remember hearing Steve Evans describe it plain as day, I believe at 81 Indy.
Back in the thread "Favorite Drag Racing Slang Terms" there was a term called Going "10, 10 and 10" when a racer would put 10 % more blower over-drive, 10% more timing and 10% more "POP" in the tank.

Does anybody know where this phrase started or some history about it?

I thought I heard Steve Evens talk about this years ago ......
something they used to run at the mile high nationals in Denver???
That phrase goes back to the 60's ....you couldn't dare do that on today's modern fuel car.
I started burning Nitro in '63 and the saying existed then as "5-5 & 5", but even back then it was said as an exaggeration...
That kind increase would crack the cylinder walls in a cast iron block on a good running tune-up...:eek:
I recall the saying starting as an in the pits tune-up conversation for the final round...
"give it three" .... "on what?"...."everything! "... ;)
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