wheel speed during warm up in the pits (1 Viewer)

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Nitro Member
Jul 10, 2006
suffolk , england
just watched a top fueler warm up on youtube and wondered what speed the wheels are turning at.
seen them do this hundreds of times before , but never thought of it til now:eek:
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 800 to 850 RPM. 2600 RPM/3.20 gear ratio
Well, if ya know the idle rpm, (Not sure) and ya know the rear end ratio (3.20 per rulebook.) ya should be able to do the math. Since the Schumacher cars do not whack the throttle, you know that wheel speed for sure. The Kalitta kamp, (with my eternal gratitude) still do the whack.

EDIT: dang, spanked by Mike!!:eek:
The wheels are not turning during the "whack" of the throttle. The brakes are set and the clutch pedal let out to seat the clutch.
Tony will know for sure but I think idle should be about 2500-2600, about right? I forgot to ask "Ace" in Ennis when I was in the Brut "thingy" because I forgot all the questions I wanted to ask Him. We got to talking about other stuff and I forgot about the techincal stuff.
:eek::rolleyes: With our car, we idle at about 2700 on Nitro and "tug" the clutch instead of "whacking".... The only reason the wheels will turn during the "whack" is if you aren't holding the brake hard enough, also note it is really hard to hold the brake hard enough not to get a little wheel turn.
This may have nothing to do with wheel speed, but . . . I've seen Scott and Doug Kalitta use a mirror to watch wheel rotation during warmups. I've never seen other drivers do this. Any idea what they are watching?
they are looking in the mirror to see how much brake pressure (PULLING ON THE BRAKE HANDLE) it takes to get the wheels to stop
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