video with slo-mo & finish line freeze frame Bristol Pro Stock Final (1 Viewer)

Thanks John. It's too bad the freeze frame is a foot past the finish line ... but we get the point, it was all but a tie!
the problem with cars going 200+ mph and video is that with a 30-frames per second rate, you don't get every inch of the cars movement in a frame. that was the best freeze frame i could do, considering the technology.

the only way to get a 100 percent perfect finish line video is to place one of those ultra-mo cameras pointing across the finish line.
They somehow managed to get the finish line on the yahoo thread link.......:confused:
Johns was from the panning camera, the one on Yahoo and Complus is from the fixed camera at the finish line
Can you just imagine the "discussion" that would have ensued in pre-Chrodek days???

Calling all historians!
maybe someone here is in the know on this history subject....I understood the finish of a drag race to be determined by a timing light from literally the beginning....the flag start was the starting system that was replaced by the xmas tree in '63 ? I say timing lights, but perhaps they were pneumatic hoses like the gas stations used to use to alert the owners someone had pulled in....

Mind you, I am sure the systems were a bit cruder, and perhaps didn't record to the 1/10,000th place, but they were that correct? Or is that wrong?
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