TOPEKA, Kan. (May 20, 2015) -- Poll a group of drag racers and the majority will tell you that momentum doesn't really exist in their sport. Ask them again, individually in private, and with a slight nod and wink they'll generally admit that it does. With well-earned success comes confidence and a slight bit of intimidation, and that recipe equals...
TWR - Tim Wilkerson Topeka Preview
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TOPEKA, Kan. (May 20, 2015) -- Poll a group of drag racers and the majority will tell you that momentum doesn't really exist in their sport. Ask them again, individually in private, and with a slight nod and wink they'll generally admit that it does. With well-earned success comes confidence and a slight bit of intimidation, and that recipe equals...
TWR - Tim Wilkerson Topeka Preview
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