Tped The champ x2 (1 Viewer)

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Nitro Member
Jul 10, 2006
Sun City Ca
Congradulations to him.
I ***ume q will be staying around for awhile.
Definitely got lucky a few rounds in vegas but he pulled through and thats all that matters with the new format.
i ditto the congrats to TP. I'm one of the ones who thought he was nuts for leaving Team force, but he definitely proved he could do it on his own !!
I agree Jeff.

And what's with the word filter. Taking the a@s out of a@sume??

What's up with that Shannon?
It sure looks like Tony's got it. I hate to be the one to say it, but he still has to qualify at Pomona. He probably will make it in but as goofy as this season has been in Funny Car, anything and I mean anything is possible. I was kinda pulling for Robert, but I also like Tony and I hope he can wrap it up.
I have a book that was given to me by Ray Kroc at his 75th birthday party - it is one of my most treasured possesions. The title is "Grinding It Out" and that is exactly what Tony has done. I seriouly doubt that he will DNQ at Pomona -
so, congratulations to the new champion!
of course being given points to help catch up didn't hurt either:rolleyes:
The only thing I hope about T-ped is he actually surpasses Ron Capps in "real" points. I was pulling for Ron, he has worked his butt of (and crew) and think he deserves it, that is unless T Pedrigon passes him in pts (which could happen, he's only 18 behind I think).
Tony did good. It was a real shocker when Cruz smoked the tires against him though:rolleyes:...but I would of done the same for my bro.
I am not a T Ped fan, but they did perform when needed, congratulations.

My problem is how do you decide a champ over 2 races? Make the Final 8 fight it out over the final 6 races. Reward consistency as well as winning.
I have to say that I didnt want TP to win it, and I was really pissed until I saw the "old pts" and he would only be 18pts behind in it. Now granted we all know they would have been different if people didnt start testing etc for the countdown but anyways. Congrats to TPed, I hate this countdown crap but it is what it is and I cant do anything about it. I surely hope they change the 2 race thing to determine a champ though. Atleast make it 4 races.
I have to say that I didnt want TP to win it, and I was really pissed until I saw the "old pts" and he would only be 18pts behind in it. Now granted we all know they would have been different if people didnt start testing etc for the countdown but anyways. Congrats to TPed, I hate this countdown crap but it is what it is and I cant do anything about it. I surely hope they change the 2 race thing to determine a champ though. Atleast make it 4 races.
I agree, make it four races for the countdown to 4, than four more races for the final 4 to duke it out. Four races allows for one bad outing.
I am not a T Ped fan, but they did perform when needed, congratulations.

My problem is how do you decide a champ over 2 races? Make the Final 8 fight it out over the final 6 races. Reward consistency as well as winning.

I wasn't a math major, but Tony appears to be in good position anyway you slice it. He would only be 18 points back of Capps the old way and would have more of an advantage if it was just one best of six shootout...but as someone said, he played the game the way it was drawn up.
The only thing I hope about T-ped is he actually surpasses Ron Capps in "real" points. I was pulling for Ron, he has worked his butt of (and crew) and think he deserves it, that is unless T Pedrigon passes him in pts (which could happen, he's only 18 behind I think).

isn't that bad we have to hope that the guy they are going to crown the champ scores more than they guy who has the most points????

Or how about the fact that the guy with the most points earned over the season has no chance of winning the title now as they head into the last race.

The last 2 seasons in funny car we've gone into the last race with 2 or 3 cars with a real chance of winning. Under the old points we would have 2 within a round of each other this year and a 3rd 60 some points off but now is basically been decided already. So now the countdown has robbed us of the excitement it was supposed to bring :rolleyes:

I don't intentionally mean to take away from Tony and the Q team, yes they played within the rules that were given. However if they don't have the most points earned on the track over the season then to me it will always read 2007 World Champ*
Tony P had a ripping style of a year...His car can run the numbers and he did this on his own..He left a gravy job w/ JFR and pursued his own deal..he even brought in Castrols #1 competitor in the oil selling wars and will have finished better than all the multi-car count teams...Tony is a true gentleman as well...why else would four of JFR's team members leave to go racing w/ a new team!
I don't intentionally mean to take away from Tony and the Q team, yes they played within the rules that were given. However if they don't have the most points earned on the track over the season then to me it will always read 2007 World Champ*

It's a good thing your history book does not mean anything. The history book that counts will not have any asterisks next to any names.
I wasn't a math major, but Tony appears to be in good position anyway you slice it. He would only be 18 points back of Capps the old way and would have more of an advantage if it was just one best of six shootout...but as someone said, he played the game the way it was drawn up.

I agree Steve, he is in a good position regardless and everyone has played by the rules provided.

I just don't think that a possible maximum of 8 elimination rounds is enough to find the "champion" of each class.
I just don't think that a possible maximum of 8 elimination rounds is enough to find the "champion" of each class.

Hit the nail on the head there. The countdown was supposed to eliminate the possibilty of someone having the title clinched before the final race, and sure as heck, it backfired in their face the first time out. The FC title has come down to the wire at Pomona the last few years, with multiple drivers in the hunt (as would be the case this year with normal points). Now, it's pretty much over. I would love nothing more then to see Hight set the record, win the race, and have Tony P go out first round, but.....:eek:

Anything is possible with drag racing.
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