Pro Stock Driver Blogs (1 Viewer)

Johnny Mopar

Nitro Member
Just to show I'm fair and objective, and willing to point a finger at a 'Mopar' racer...any guesses when Richie Stevens will get around to updating his Blog? It's only 2 MONTHS old....!

Karen Stoffer, Geico Suzuki
Last update: Saturday, November 18, 2006

Richie Stevens Jr., Mopar/Valspar Dodge
Last update: Thursday, September 28, 2006

Erica Enders, Revive USA Dodge
Last update: Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Jim Yates, Sea Ray Boats Pontiac
Last update: Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Matt Smith, Torco Race Fuels Buell,
and Rickie Smith, Skull Gear Chevy
Last update: Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I am trying to update mine at least once a week... Sometimes we as drivers and riders get really busy and just forget somethings..
Hey Matt,

I don't think the comment was directed at you. Your blog is the first one I go to, mainly because its usually updated once a week and contains a lot of good reads. You and your Dad always make your blogs attractive and IMO, funny and from the heart.

Keep it up and thanks!
those pro stock racers in the NHRA blogs are, indeed busy people but lets face it, most of them, with the possible exception of Stevens haven't had to many positive things to write about regarding there most recent on track results.

Thanks for responding Matt. My comment was not directed at you, but at Richie. I'm a die-hard Mopar guy, but his lack of attention to the blog is offensive. He doesn't build motors, doesn't work on the car, doesn't travel with the team...meaning he doesn't have the time commitments that would keep him away from updating his blog. In fact, he actually WON a couple races under the Johnson's'd think there would have been a TON of great and interesting things to write about.

I'm a Mopar man through and through, and I'm very dissappointed in his lack of attention to his fans. I doubt that his sponsor would be impressed with his lack of effort either...
Thanks for responding Matt. My comment was not directed at you, but at Richie. I'm a die-hard Mopar guy, but his lack of attention to the blog is offensive. He doesn't build motors, doesn't work on the car, doesn't travel with the team...meaning he doesn't have the time commitments that would keep him away from updating his blog. In fact, he actually WON a couple races under the Johnson's'd think there would have been a TON of great and interesting things to write about.

I'm a Mopar man through and through, and I'm very dissappointed in his lack of attention to his fans. I doubt that his sponsor would be impressed with his lack of effort either...

He does have a business that from the sounds of it, he runs on the day to day basis because of the Katrina mess. Towing cars and stripping them down to scrap them for the city and his own salvage yard.
I realize that, but I find it hard to believe that he, or the DSR publicist doesn't have 15 minutes to write a quick story. Heck...he could write it in the plane while he's flying around the country to drive the car...while his crew is doing all the work and driving the transporter. With all the negative PR his team and owner have received this year, you'd think he would have used this tool to portray a positive image for the team and owner.

Pretty weak on his part...
And he doesn't owe any of us anything. If he wants to take the time to If biggie.

Not everybody gets enjoyment from spending time sitting at a computer. And people shouldn't get upset because someone doesn't want to sit down at the puter to update anything..IMO. Maybe he doesn't type eh?

I appreciate the updates..but won't get wanked out because somebody doesn't.
I realize that, but I find it hard to believe that he, or the DSR publicist doesn't have 15 minutes to write a quick story. Heck...he could write it in the plane while he's flying around the country to drive the car...while his crew is doing all the work and driving the transporter. With all the negative PR his team and owner have received this year, you'd think he would have used this tool to portray a positive image for the team and owner.

Pretty weak on his part...

I'm sure you are a great time manager yourself there John. Perhaps you can get in touch with him and teach him some time management skills and public relations.

If one of those time management tips is "Avoid reading blogs and stressing over why other people don't update theirs" then maybe the being a lecturer on time managment isn't for you, best stick to the PR :rolleyes:
I've got a book on time management that I bought and never found time to read. You can have it if I can find it. It's probably with the book on organizational skills.
OK got me. I realize a blog isn't the end of the world, but I don't understand why you commit to doing something and then don't complete your work. Maybe it's because the DSR Pro Stock program doesn't exist anymore, or maybe it's because he just doesn't care. I know I read an interview with Don Shoe where he made reference to Richie not being a people person, and that most people in the Pro Stock class aren't either. That statement didn't settle well with me. I've hung out with a couple pro teams through the years and found them all to be very accomodating.

Maybe it's just another DSR thing? They still list Carlson as a driver on their site....!
Nobody twisted any of the drivers arm to being a featured blogger. If you don't have the time, why offer yourself. My perception is the drivers on the blog list , along with NHRA create a fan expectation. Winning and blogging should not be synonymous. In my opinion Richie should not be singled out, as there are other drivers with relaxed participation.

To leave the blog unattended is PR problematic, and communicates a negative statement to the fan base.
Thanks the way...nice name!

I agree with your thoughts, which was why I started this thread. If you committ to perform a task, complete the task. And you're absolutely right that it's PR problematic. These sponsors invest millions of dollars to back teams...they should require specific actions directed towards the positive promotion of their product or service. There are two businesses and promotion, and without the promotional dollars, there'd be no racing as we know it...including this board...which is a very cool first amendment tool.

I've been impressed with Hillary Will's blog...she continues to give an insight to her life...what it's like to be a top fuel pilot. I really enjoy reading her blog. She'll report what happened in her life, even if there wasn't a race to report on. Blogs can be a great tool to personalize the driver and team.

Just my .02...
OK got me. I realize a blog isn't the end of the world, but I don't understand why you commit to doing something and then don't complete your work. Maybe it's because the DSR Pro Stock program doesn't exist anymore, or maybe it's because he just doesn't care. I know I read an interview with Don Shoe where he made reference to Richie not being a people person, and that most people in the Pro Stock class aren't either. That statement didn't settle well with me. I've hung out with a couple pro teams through the years and found them all to be very accomodating.

Maybe it's just another DSR thing? They still list Carlson as a driver on their site....!

Look this is very simple. Ritchie and his family suffered a devastating blow thanks to Katrina. Both he and his father lost their businesses and their houses and in both cases, the insurance companies didn’t make them whole. They are trying very hard to rebuild their lives and get back on track, so I don’t think his blog is a top priority right now. Quite frankly, I’m surprised that Ritchie did so well this year given the distractions he was facing, both at the track and at home.

As far as Shumacher saying Ritchie is not a people person, well consider the source. Let’s see, how many teams did he have to work with this year…Glidden, Nickens and J&J. Maybe he was a little busy trying to figure out just where he was supposed to hang his helmet and if he still had a job week to week. FYI, Ritchie is a first class guy. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing him for many years and in my opinion he is just as much a people person as any NHRA Professional driver. And no, I am not a MOPAR fan. Just stating the facts.

Pat Barrett
Ways To Support Nitromater

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