New ADRL Sponsor... (2 Viewers)

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Nitro Member
Nov 17, 2006
Rockingham NC
The ADRL anounced tonight in Texas .. that the National Gaurd has signed on to Sponsor the Flowmaster ADRL Series begining in 2008....
The Guard is the "Presenting Sponsor." Flowmaster remains as the Series Sponsor.

Still a great deal for promotion and expansion of a Series that according to some shouldn't exist or succed.....;)

And the pic doesn't say US Army National Gaurd..:D


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That is very cool, I went to my first ADRL race Fri. at the Motorplex, it was a great race, If you like non-stop FAST doorslammers then this is your kinda racing, also met Justin Leauge there, He's a cool dude and knows a whole lot about ADRL racing, If you want to know about Outlaw Pro-Mod racing then ask Him, also saw Greg Rice too, nice to see some fellow Maters at the races. That Pro-Mod of Scruggs was flying, I was watching it all day, it sounded like a fuel funnycar when it was idling, there was fuel coming from the headers, not many of them sounded as mean as that one and his times were proving it, it was kind of wierd watching 1/8 mile racing at the Mororplex but it was cool, I will definatly attened many more of these events, can't wait till' next season.
That is very cool, I went to my first ADRL race Fri. at the Motorplex, it was a great race, If you like non-stop FAST doorslammers then this is your kinda racing, also met Justin Leauge there, He's a cool dude and knows a whole lot about ADRL racing, If you want to know about Outlaw Pro-Mod racing then ask Him, also saw Greg Rice too, nice to see some fellow Maters at the races. That Pro-Mod of Scruggs was flying, I was watching it all day, it sounded like a fuel funnycar when it was idling, there was fuel coming from the headers, not many of them sounded as mean as that one and his times were proving it, it was kind of wierd watching 1/8 mile racing at the Mororplex but it was cool, I will definatly attened many more of these events, can't wait till' next season.

Hey Kenny, it was nice meeting you too. Also great meeting Tom Burgess and hanging out with Greg some more. And ofcourse the ADRL race was awesome as always. And Scruggs is in another world. I am all for Hernandez and Dr Moon's Rage Team but the Scruggs are really nice people so I dont mind seeing them run well.
The press release identifies the new sponsor as Army National Guard several times, but also uses the name National Guard without specifying branch.

I am guessing, but it may well be that the unqualified term "National Guard" is synonymous with "Army National Guard" and that the name "Air Guard" is used for the Air Force component of the Guard.
The more i think about this deal.. it is a realy big deal for a non automotive.. non motorsports related group to step up and sponsor the ADRL... says alot about that the ADRL series does and is about....

Most of the breakage and problems and cost comes from the cars running the full quarter.. or so i was told.... still one heck of a show.... nothing disapointing about it....

That is very cool, I went to my first ADRL race Fri. at the Motorplex, it was a great race, If you like non-stop FAST doorslammers then this is your kinda racing, also met Justin Leauge there, He's a cool dude and knows a whole lot about ADRL racing, If you want to know about Outlaw Pro-Mod racing then ask Him, also saw Greg Rice too, nice to see some fellow Maters at the races. That Pro-Mod of Scruggs was flying, I was watching it all day, it sounded like a fuel funnycar when it was idling, there was fuel coming from the headers, not many of them sounded as mean as that one and his times were proving it, it was kind of wierd watching 1/8 mile racing at the Mororplex but it was cool, I will definatly attened many more of these events, can't wait till' next season.

Are those Pro extreme allowed to run Nitro? I knew the rules were "outlaw" so to speak but I didn't think they allowed Pop!
I think the rules, what few there are, are posted on the ADRL website - I believe the cars formerly known as "Nitro Coupes" are allowed to run in Pro Extreme.
Insurance issues are the main reason why the races are all 1/8th mile.
The cost goes up substantially for 1/4 mile insurance.
They have to post their own insurance due to their rules not conforming to either santioning body.

I also wanted to say that I met Badaal (hope I spelled that right) from Team Titan and I know he posts here. Nice job this weekend, yall have that car running really good and I wish you guys luck. Yall are all very nice and an assett to any racing program no matter which one it is that you are racing.

I took a bunch of pictures and when I get them uploaded to disk and set up an online pic gallery I will post them. Joe or Kelly or someone I might be getting ahold of you to help me set up my online pic deal since i have no idea how to do it but I'm tired of having to get people to post my pics so I decided to take the plunge.
I also wanted to say that I met Badaal (hope I spelled that right) from Team Titan and I know he posts here. Nice job this weekend, yall have that car running really good and I wish you guys luck. Yall are all very nice and an assett to any racing program no matter which one it is that you are racing.

I took a bunch of pictures and when I get them uploaded to disk and set up an online pic gallery I will post them. Joe or Kelly or someone I might be getting ahold of you to help me set up my online pic deal since i have no idea how to do it but I'm tired of having to get people to post my pics so I decided to take the plunge.

Yeah it was good meeting everyone out there. We are trying to get our setup better to be able to go rounds and be competitive so it will just take some time in testing and all.
Are those Pro extreme allowed to run Nitro? I knew the rules were "outlaw" so to speak but I didn't think they allowed Pop!

Joe, according to the ADRL rules I read it says they can run 50% nitro, and they were running it for sure (the smell was in the air:D) it is a really good show, well worth the ten bucks admission and five bucks to park (whats up with that?) The beer prices are still 6.00 bucks for a tall Bud Light but overall I was real pleased with the whole race. If you get a chance to go to an ADRL race Definatly check it out, I'll post some pics later. Oh yea lots of eye candy too:)
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Joe, according to the ADRL rules I read it says they can run 50% nitro, and they were running it for sure (the smell was in the air:D) it is a really good show, well worth the ten bucks admission and five bucks to park (whats up with that?) The beer prices are still 6.00 bucks for a tall Bud Light but overall I was real pleased with the whole race. If you get a chance to go to an ADRL race Definatly check it out, I'll post some pics later. Oh yea lots of eye candy too:)

You guys are so lucky to have so many races within a days drive from you. My closest races are Phoenix and Denver which are both 450 miles away!
Joe, according to the ADRL rules I read it says they can run 50% nitro, and they were running it for sure (the smell was in the air:D) it is a really good show, well worth the ten bucks admission and five bucks to park (whats up with that?) The beer prices are still 6.00 bucks for a tall Bud Light but overall I was real pleased with the whole race. If you get a chance to go to an ADRL race Definatly check it out, I'll post some pics later. Oh yea lots of eye candy too:)

The reason for the parking price and the high cost of everything is b/c most of the people there were on comp tickets. Though I did hear about 20 people or so over the 2 days who actually paid to get in. The ADRL gives away tickets like hotcakes to get people there.

And Joe, I know Greg said he wasnt totally sold on 1/8th mile racing, but I will say in its defense that its much better to watch on a 1/8th mile track than watching it on a 1/4 mile track. I am all for 1/4 mile racing and I wouldnt want to see TF or Fuel FC on 1/8th mile but 1/8th mile Outlaw Pro Mod racing is very entertaining. I think he had a good time though and he said he's looking forward to Houston's ADRL race next year.
I should have called you Justin about those tickets, If I could have went back Saturday for free admission I would have in a minute, I still had a great time Fri. and am very much looking forward to next year. I figured the parking was so they could pay the parking attendants, anyway it was no biggie, I had a great time.
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