Hey Unk
I know this is a bit late but I wasn't registered (LONG time lurker)
Just wanted to let you know that we really enjoyed your announcing last weekend in Edmonton. It was a treat to have a knowledgeable voice out there. We were camped down at the finish line and had to get the outside speakers on the trailer fired up for all to hear (no p.a. down there got asked to leave it on when we wern't there so the others could still hear you).
Hope you had a good time and we see you next year...
ps I must have had 50 people ask what a "skosh" was - none belived me so here it is :
Main Entry: skosh
Pronunciation: 'skOsh
Function: noun
Etymology: Japanese sukoshi
: a small amount : BIT, SMIDGEN -- used adverbially with a <just a skosh bit shook
Apparently we Canadians know what a Buford is but not a Skosh

I know this is a bit late but I wasn't registered (LONG time lurker)
Just wanted to let you know that we really enjoyed your announcing last weekend in Edmonton. It was a treat to have a knowledgeable voice out there. We were camped down at the finish line and had to get the outside speakers on the trailer fired up for all to hear (no p.a. down there got asked to leave it on when we wern't there so the others could still hear you).
Hope you had a good time and we see you next year...
ps I must have had 50 people ask what a "skosh" was - none belived me so here it is :
Main Entry: skosh
Pronunciation: 'skOsh
Function: noun
Etymology: Japanese sukoshi
: a small amount : BIT, SMIDGEN -- used adverbially with a <just a skosh bit shook
Apparently we Canadians know what a Buford is but not a Skosh