thanks guys, it's not so much that we rock as it is we need to educate the population that this is not your grandfathers sport. There are millions of peoples dollars spent over here giving the NHRA the meat and potatoes that they need to put on their event. Without SPONSORED racers, very few can compete at this level. Times have changed, many owners have million dollar coaches and few have their own planes. This is a business, a real expensive business and corporate america needs to really take time to see it first hand.
The exec's sitting in their offices dont get it, they need to SEE IT, SMELL IT, and FEEL IT. We need to create the want for them to NEED to be there, if that makes any scense.
A big part of our ongoing search for dollars IS educating the companies we're dealing with on the NHRA and what its about. The common response is......."oh yeah the long cars, Don Garlits, Shirley Muldowney, the Snake etc"
How long ago were they in competition? See my point.
We as fans, racers, and owners need to do everything we can to make this a main stream sport, when that happens, the yahoo's of the world, the broadcast stations of the world, and the mainstream papers in America will give the sport the attention and awareness it deserves, thus the major eye balls of corporate america will be stimulated and then i believe the biggest growth of the sport will be seen.
this is just my opinion........but what do i know