Gary Scelzi joins Donnie Couch (1 Viewer)

verry difficult day...turned in brut funny car show car to dsr.
ending our 3 best years in the show car business.
we wish everyone at dsr,brut and nhra the very best.
thanks to everyone for making our nhra adventure so enjoyable.
Oh,'s so hard to read that! I truly will miss seeing y'all! Sure the show cars are nice...but the people hauling them are second to none!
I admit the cars(NFC's) look awesome, but I'd never go to a Nostalgia race. I remember at the NHRA 50th they had the Nostalgia Dragsters, and they got old quick! Nitro that doesn't run 4's is like watching paint dry...
Joe, I gotta disagree. I'll watch anything with a blown nitro motor go down the track, modern day AA/FAs run 5's when everything goes right, and I love watching them. Heck, I enjoy A/fuelers, I think they put on a great show, as do the blown alky cars, and the Pro Mods, and even those cool Comp cars...OK so I'm a diehard!

P.S. Drag boats at Firebird are awesome as well!
I admit the cars(NFC's) look awesome, but I'd never go to a Nostalgia race. I remember at the NHRA 50th they had the Nostalgia Dragsters, and they got old quick! Nitro that doesn't run 4's is like watching paint dry...

There's more to drag racing than 'The Big Show'. I for one love watching the cars I grew up with and that I can identify just by glancing at the bodies. I also love the sound of unrestricted nitro percentages. Modern cars are great but after awhile it's just one billboard after another;).
Joe, I gotta disagree. I'll watch anything with a blown nitro motor go down the track, modern day AA/FAs run 5's when everything goes right, and I love watching them. Heck, I enjoy A/fuelers, I think they put on a great show, as do the blown alky cars, and the Pro Mods, and even those cool Comp cars...OK so I'm a diehard!

P.S. Drag boats at Firebird are awesome as well!

Since I've become a celebrity on the Classic Funny car board, I'll address what I actually mean't! I don't HATE Nostalgia racing, I'll watch the Nanook gang anytime. What I was referring to is I won't spend the $700-800 I normally spend to go to a Natl. event, to attend a Nostalgia race! How many N/FC's do they get anyway, 10-12 Max? I'm guessing the Dragsters are about the same. At an NHRA race, you see 40 Fuel cars, over 40 Alky cars, about 24 Pro mods (at Gainesville, Houston, Dallas and Indy anyway.) Not to mention the Cacklefest's or what other Nostalgia cars happen to show up. If I lived an hour's drive from some of the West coast races yeah I'd probably go, but since I'm 450 miles from any kind of Major dragracing I have to pick and choose. Now if BeeGator Annette drove one I may have to make my only exception!!;)

P.S. Nunzio I've been to the boats about a dozen times, different animal all together!
Good one Joe.

I watch some fuel alterds under the lights in Medford OR and they were so cool. Much funner to see than the rocket ships of today. Spectacular lots of flame, 6 seconds but side by side. It was a hoot.

I also saw the fuel flopper show in Spokane. And there were 8 cars and I don't recall ever seeing a side by side race the whole weekend. It was disappointing because I expected more but on the other hand I've been in their shoes when the car doesn't perform as planned. Some times there's nothing you can do and it's a long drive home.
I'm not making any excuses for the teams that you saw at Spokane, but that place is very un-forgiving, and marginal most of the time, and can be very difficult to get a Top Fuel Dragster down it....much less a "short" car. Places like Medford, and Boise, and Tucson are just better racetracks....thus I believe a better show. Love the nostalgia Fuel Altereds and Funny Cars. SG
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