The numbers are deceiving, because they were not set recently. They are actually several years old. Performance has leveled off, sort of. The car count has almost tripled in the last five to ten years, too. Also, Tbone has not raced in Nostalgia Top Fuel since the 2017 season, partially due to a nagging back issue.
To start, here are the last National records set by a contemporary front engine dragster:
6.410 - Gerry Glenn - Lions Drag Strip - July 3, 1971
233.16 - Tony Nancy - Lions Drag Strip - January 15, 1972
Now, the current day records for front engine Top Fuel;
Official Elapsed Time Record:
Mendy Fry - 5.490 (5.518 Back Up) - March Meet - 3/12/2019
Official Speed Record:
Jim Young - 266.11mph (269.08mph Back Up) - March Meet - 3/11/2013
Unofficial Top MPH:
Tony Bartone, 274mph - Palm Beach, FL - 1/2012