Nitro Member
There is a new feature story on Cap Racing Home Page about the life and times of Cristen Powell then and now. Hope you all enjoy it. She's a super person and it's a pleasure to run this story.
It was good to see her on TV again.
Thanks you guys for your kinds words. I'm doing a featured story every now and again on my site just for fun so my site doesn't get to dull. I just posted a new story at Cap Racing Home Page on the golfball size hail just prior to eliminations in Medford. While you are there, check out the eye candy I posted just for Joe!
Here is a picture of Cristen that I took at Columbus. I did not find out until later that she had just been fired by Helen. Cristen was coming out of the trailer and walking out of the pit area.
According the the linked article, she asked to leave HH racing (I dont believe that for one minute). Helen flat out fired her, as I recall.I was at that race and talked to Christen briefly prior to all the shenanigans. Christen reminded me of my daughter a lot, so I was always partial to her. She could do one hell of a burnout in a funny car. When she drove Helen's car she would click it off at about 1,200'. Probably saved her life!That thing was all used up from front to back and it shows that Christen was a real drag racer just to get into it.
Like I said, it was good enough to qualify #1 at Indy that year. That is not debatable.this wasn't in the story but since this has come up... that car was well used up. Casey, her dad had a new car built for the team. In typical Hoffman fashioned, they let her go right after picking up the new chassis. The Hoffman's kept the chassis and I believe the transporter too. The whole mess ended up in court and I believe the Powells won and rightly so.
Response for the board from Helen Hofmann.
"...Before you go making statements about other people in a published story, you may want to get your facts straight.
Christen was NOT used as a scapegoat at all. Funding and aged equipment were definitely NOT the problem, in fact more money was spent on new parts and equipment that year than in some of the years we contended for the Championship against Force. I still have the receipts!!!!
It is hard to qualify a car when it is shut off at 1100 feet, has no problems and when it is serviced, is found that there is NOTHING wrong. This was found on 5 occasions within 10 races.
Some drivers are more comfortable in certain cars than others. Al had no problem driving that particular car.
Christen was definitely more comfortable at certain tracks and times of day.
Christen was a great kid, with great energy and personality and I was sad to see her leave. But this industry is a business and a lively hood for most out there, owners, crew chiefs, drivers, and especially crew members. Even our sponsors were consulted beforehand and agreed with our decision.
If you need information wouldn't it be better journalism to actually get the facts next time, than to instigate a bunch of B S in chat room, which is how I found out about your story. One of my crew members wanted to respond but thought it would be more correct for me to do so!
Helen Hofmann"