Anyone heard how Shelly Payne is doing ?? (1 Viewer)

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Re: Anyoone heard how Shelly Payne is doing ??


"After an anxious few minutes, the TV came alive again to show us shots of Shelly out and walking around, apparently uninjured, and she apologized on the PS system to her dad and the crew for wrecking the car."

Look's like she's gonna be ok!:cool:
Re: Anyoone heard how Shelly Payne is doing ??

She got the laundry out,prob. made it not as bad as it could of been.
Re: Anyoone heard how Shelly Payne is doing ??

My fat fingers hit the "S" instead of the "A" - should have been "PA system."

Shelly is okay, but hit the wall hard and they transported her as a precaution.

ESPN2 showed a clip of the accident on the TV show.
Re: Anyoone heard how Shelly Payne is doing ??

She hit the wall about 100 feet up track from our RV site on the right side of the track. She hit it a ton, then hit the left wall before stopping with the drivers side door against the left wall. Sure was glad to see her get out of the car. She had problems getting down the track all weekend, no qualifying on Friday, pretty tricky track Saturday and Sunday.

Re: Anyoone heard how Shelly Payne is doing ??

Wow, that looked wicked! I'm glad she's OK.
Re: Anyoone heard how Shelly Payne is doing ??

Glad to hear shes okay... Bad weekend for them... He doesn't qualify and the car that does qualify crashes... At least she is alright... You can always buy another car...

CJ Curtsinger
Re: Anyoone heard how Shelly Payne is doing ??

She hit the wall about 100 feet up track from our RV site on the right side of the track. She hit it a ton, then hit the left wall before stopping with the drivers side door against the left wall. Sure was glad to see her get out of the car. She had problems getting down the track all weekend, no qualifying on Friday, pretty tricky track Saturday and Sunday.


Way I saw it... After she pulled it back from the center line, the back end washed... I was as worried as much about the flash fire.. And did she look pissed or what... you had a better angle, she came into the left wall about a 45... right?
Re: Anyoone heard how Shelly Payne is doing ??

Way I saw it... After she pulled it back from the center line, the back end washed... I was as worried as much about the flash fire.. And did she look pissed or what... you had a better angle, she came into the left wall about a 45... right?

That's about right, Karl, it was the first hit that was so hard. She came off of the centerline and hit the right wall at about a 45, and then went back across the track and hit the left wall at close to the same angle. At least some of the speed had been scrubbed off by the second hit. And yeah, she was pissed, I think more at staying with the ride after she got close to the center line and not letting off, and tearing up the car in the process. That was a pretty sickening sound, that first hit.

By the way, did I miss the 'Mater meetings? I was at the Nitro Mall at 2:00 on Friday and 10:00 on Saturday, didn't see anyone standing around. I was a little late getting to the pit side on Sunday, don't know if I missed a meeting then or not.

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