An open letter from shiekh khalid al thani (1 Viewer)

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Interesting how the AMW article says the cops discovered although he was on welfare, he lived in a large home and owned several luxury cars. Once again, our tax dollars hard at work.:mad:
I agree that it is a good move. When you are trying to bring attention to your country through your racing program there is no room for even the appearance of harboring a fugitive.
A difficult situation handled with integrity.

My sentiments exactly. I thought Sheikh Khalid was spot on with that letter and it should quench the bloodlust thats been going around. Atat should be on a Most Wanted list somewhere, but that probably will never happen.
I think the letter and actions of Shiekh Khalid were admirable. He could have told the world to kiss off, but handled the situation properly.
I cannot remember any response that has been delivered with more courtesy and class. In a time when the sport of drag racing needs more people like Shiekh Khalid Al Thani, I hope all fans and participants of drag racing will take an opportunity to thank him personally for his involvement. I have not met him, but if and when I do, I plan to do that very thing.
Wow, talk about taking the high road, give me some new respect for the man. Hope this helps with his image and "public" opinion of him in the racing community.
It's obvious Crazy Mo is not someone Khalid needs on his team.
He sounded concerned and is doing the right thing.

I can understand how our law of unintended consequences and guilt by association in the racing event is foreign to them.

The article indicated the event was started by Mo but at $ 12,500 dollars you can bet it was a mutual deal !

Mo did not wreck but the law is the law and he needs to make it right.

When in Rome live under it's laws and take the Drag Racing to the track where its safer and more even and fun and you don't go to jail and loose your ride and the tracks could use the business !
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